Paul George 'excited' for the free agency while the ESPN series begins


George's year in Oklahoma City gets a passing mention, during some highlights, including the end of the season, a loss of Game 6 to Utah Jazz in the first round of the playoffs .

"Here they made a huge risk by trading for me, knowing that I have a year on my agreement," says George of the Thunder. "But I felt that I had not finished as hard as I could be.The fact of knowing that you left something on the table, even until now, it weighs on me .

The episode shows scenes of George playing with the Pacers and Thunder and moments with his family at home in California.

Daniela RajicGeorge's girlfriend and the mother of her two children says, "We are a bit in limbo now. It's a bit difficult to do it with two kids, but no matter who it goes, we can settle in and call our home.

As for where it will be, you will have to stay tuned. George does not offer much clues in the first episode. The second will be aired Thursday at 17:00. SportsCenter and the third will follow soon after George makes his decision as a free public agent.

In the first episode of Tuesday, George says that he will choose the front office that gives his team the best chance of winning.

"I hope to make the majority of people happy," says George. "But in the end, that's my decision and I want to be the happiest I can be with this decision and I'm excited, I'm excited to make this trip."

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