Paul Gosar: The Wild Brothers and Sisters of Congress in Attack


Congressman Paul Gosar

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Paul Gosar's brothers and sisters backed his Democratic rival against him

Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar, a Republican from the party's most conservative wing, will run again in November.

Fearing for the future, his brothers and sisters weighed all their weight in their choice of candidate in a powerful new television advertisement.

The striking part? This is not their brother.

No, six of Mr. Gosar's brothers and sisters have expressed support for his rival, Democrat David Brill.

If this sounds brutal on paper, the run is even wilder. To maximize its impact, the announcement will not name the six speakers before the end – they are simply presented as people from Arizona.

He begins with "Grace, Rural Physician," stating: "Paul Gosar, the congressman, is doing nothing to support rural America."

"Paul absolutely does not work for his district," says "David, lawyer".

"If he really cared about the rural inhabitants of Arizona, I bet he would be fighting for social security, for better access to health care," acknowledges "Jennifer, interpreter medical. "

"He does not listen to you and he does not care about your interests," "Tim" agrees – before dropping the bomb line: "I'm calling Tim Gosar".

Is it a shock to David, Tim, Jennifer, Gaston, Joan and Grace?

The local newspaper, Arizona Republic, calls it "brutal but not unexpected". Gosar made headlines after the violent neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, suggesting that "the left" was planning to undermine Donald Trump. He then described George Soros, a Democratic Party donor, as a Nazi collaborator in an interview with Vice News.

Horrified, seven of his siblings signed an open letter to the Kingman Daily Miner, stating, "It is extremely unpleasant to have to call you, Paul, but you have imposed your hand with your anti-Semitic dog whistle and deception. . "

Among Paul Gosar's other controversies is the boycott of Pope Francis' 2015 speech to Congress. He criticized the pontiff's support for climate change, calling it "questionable science" deployed "to make people feel guilty about leftist politics".

He also defended far-right British militant Tommy Robinson and attacked "disgusting and depraved" Muslim immigrants during a speech in London in July.

Among the other anti-Gosar commercials aired on television, an ad titled "A family defends its honor," where David Gosar says, "We must defend our reputation, it's not our identity."

"It would be difficult to see my brother as a racist," said Grace Gosar in another, according to the Phoenix New Times.

Representative Gosar has not yet responded to the advertising campaign. The Republican, who won his district with 71% of the vote in 2016, is still considered likely to maintain the seat he has held since 2011.

If there is one good thing for Mr. Gosar, it is that he is one of the 10 brothers and sisters. While seven people denounced him in public, two remain silent until now – which could make Christmas a little less embarrassing.

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