Paul Gosar's brothers and sisters urge voters in Arizona to oust him


Republican Republican Representative Paul Gosar faces attacks from an atypical group during his reelection: his own family.

Six of Gosar's nine brothers and sisters supported his Democratic opponent, Dr. David Brill, and appeared in Brill's campaign videos about their brother. A video shows his brothers and sisters saying that the Republican of Arizona is not working for the people, another titled "A family defends his honor," discusses the decision to denounce Gosar and vote against him in November. Another is about health care.

This is not the only example of family members demonstrating against mid-term candidates in 2018 – Randy Bryce, Democratic candidate for Wisconsin to replace Paul Ryan, was the victim of a Republican attack starring his brother James Bryce. But the number of brothers and sisters who denounce Gosar is unique.

"None of this is nice for any of us," says David Gosar, a lawyer, in the video "A family defends its honor".

"It's not just about Paul, it's about the family," says Jennifer Gosar, medical interpreter, in the same video.

"It's the intervention time," says private investigator Tim Gosar. "And the time of intervention means that you are going to vote, and you are going to vote Paul."

The videos revealed clearly important family divisions – and inspired reactions from Rep. Gosar.

"You can not choose your family" he tweeted after the release of the videos on Friday, adding: "To the six Democrats Gosars angry – we see each other at mom and dad!

In another tweet, he called his brothers and sisters "Liberal Democrats Who Hate President Trump" and "Disgruntled" Proponents of Hillary Clinton.

Gosar, who represents Arizona's 4th congressional district, was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2010 as part of the Tea Party wave. David Gosar, his brother, told the Washington Post that at the time they stopped speaking, Paul Gosar told him that he believed in the "birther" theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

"I was like 'Oh my God, you must make fun of me,' and then he went and was elected," said David Gosar in the mail. "I will not break bread with a racist."

David Gosar told the New York Times that he kept his Twitter account for the sole purpose of reprimanding his brother. It's this Twitter account that caught the attention of the Brill campaign.

"None of us do it for advertising," he told the Phoenix New Times. "None of us even wants to do it."

The mother of the Gosar family does not like it

Internet has Nice to meet you in the feud of the Gosar family, but a person does not enjoy he is the mother of the 85-year-old sister, Bernadette Gosar, who lives in Wyoming. She apparently read the videos when she was contacted about them by the New York Times and told the publication that she was "shocked" and "crushed" by the situation.

She said that she had a "wonderful family," but she clarified that politically, she was with Paul. "He did a lot of work for Arizona, and they love him," she said.

Rep. Gosar is an immigration officer. In January, he made headlines when he tweeted that he had contacted the Capitol Police and US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, asking them to arrest undocumented immigrants attending the speech on the state of President Donald Trump's union. Some Democratic lawmakers had invited two dozen unauthorized immigrant youth, often called DREAMers, to speak.

As the Times notes, seven of Gosar's brothers and sisters have already written a letter to a local Arizona newspaper condemning his In an interview with Vice News, it was suggested that a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year was organized by an "Obama sympathizer" and funded by billionaire George Soros.

We do not know if the public opposition of his brothers and sisters has hurt Gosar's chances of winning in November. Gosar won more than 70 percent of his district's votes in 2016 and Cook Political Report believes the district is a strong Republican.

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