Paul Manafort called the Ukrainian election "the most satisfying satisfaction campaign"


For nearly a decade, Paul Manafort has worked in the service of Ukrainian politician Viktor Yanukovych. of documents, he hopes to block the jurors at his next federal trial to see.

Documents, released by Manafort's defense Thursday ahead of trial next week on bank and tax fraud charges, show how political agents on both sides of the US have used lessons learned on US campaigns for clients sometimes unpleasant foreigners.

"Having worked on campaigns for the last 35 years, this one will be at the top of the list of the most satisfactory ones," Manafort wrote after a group of strategists. Yanukovych won a presidential election in 2010.

The group included Tad Devine and Adam Strasberg, both of whom worked on campaigns for Democratic presidential candidates John Kerry and Bernie Sanders.

Manafort continues trial next week at the Alexandria Federal Court on charges of bank and tax fraud. The case stems from the work he has done for Yanukovych and his political party favorable to Russia, and they are brought in by the special council investigating the Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

But Manafort argues about what he did in Ukraine [traduction] "It is obvious that the special advisor intends to present evidence regarding matters that have nothing to do with this trial for tax and banking fraud, "wrote his lawyers in Thursday's filing. Back to 2005, when Yanukovych was forced to leave power after an electoral victory deemed fraudulent

That year, Manafort wrote a strategic memo to Rinat Ahkmetov, a Ukrainian steel mogul who supported the party Yanukovych's policy. poisoned. . "Just as dioxin poisoned Yushchenko's body," a reference to Yanukovych's rival in the 2004 elections. The doctors said at the time Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned; His opponents say that he got sick because of alcohol.

The party's "historical growth" was directly related to its ability to dispense favors, which became impossible when they lost power. Flashy rally for Yanukovych in December, with the help of Tim Unes, who worked on the Trump campaign, and Bobby Peede, who works at the White House on the presidential advance, the documents show.

Yanukovych "has relations in Russian [sic]] needed to solve the problem created by Yuschenko and his team," reads in a memo of Devine and Manafort.The substitutes are called to call the rulers of the country naive "believe that the government could slap Russia and suffer no consequences."

In a statement from his cabinet Thursday evening, Devine said that the special advocate had asked him in the pursuit of their case against Paul Manafort on the work of his cabinet on media advice on past political campaigns in Ukraine The Special Adviser's Office assured us that we had no legal contacts and were not acting illegally. "[19659015Thecabinetadds:"Aftertheadministrationofthepresidentialcandidateforwhomwehadarrestedhispoliticalopponentweresigned"Wethenrefusedadditionalofferstoworkonhislatercampaigns"

After winning power in 2010, Yanukovych saw his presidential rival, Yulia Tymoshenko, put in prison.In April 2012, Devine refused to join a new campaign for Yanukovych's party.

" We have once again we reach the point where we should put aside all the American political work for the most beloved country in the world.

"I regret not being able to work with you on this year's elections," said Devine

but four months later, Devine sent Manafort a suggested campaign note for the Yanukovych Party. "I would recommend a negative / positive ratio of about 3: 1 in advertising," he writes.

After Yanukovych was deposed and fled the country in 2014, the Devine firm spoke with Manafort consultant for a different candidate for $ 100,000 a month (with a $ 50,000 victory bonus), the documents show. Nothing seems to be out of the discussions

In a June 2014 email, Devine said that for $ 10,000 a day he would make a brief trip to Ukraine to meet the leaders of a new party formed in the # The absence of Yanukovych

did not immediately respond to a request for comment

The documents also appear to support a special advisor case in the Federal Court of Washington, DC, including as a "police officer". unregistered agent of a foreign government. A document published by his team is a 2013 memo explaining how a group of former European politicians, known as the Habsburg group, will try to promote Ukraine.

"The Habsburg team will also make a series of events … to also influence key members of the US government through private meetings held at the highest level."

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