Paul McCartney gives a "secret concert" at Grand Central New York


NEW YORK — Commuters with tickets to the Grand Central Terminal in New York heard a special serenade on Friday night with Paul Mccartney take a corner of the majestic center for a concert. In front of an audience of celebrities and lucky ticket holders, McCartney played for an hour a mix of new songs from his latest album and classic Beatles hits, reports CBS New York.

Only guests such as Jon Bon Jovi, Meryl Streep, Amy Schumer, Kate Moss and Steve Buscemi were left behind black curtains to see the scene, but everyone could hear a set of 24 songs spanning more than 50 years of music.

"I feel we are going to have some fun here tonight," said the former singer-songwriter of The Beatles before embarking on "Can not Buy Me Love".

It was a master stroke to promote a new album entitled "Egypt Station". McCartney said that he was wondering "what is the coolest resort you could think of?" and installed on the Manhattan landmark. The group is installed under a chandelier and in front of a giant clock, just off the entrance to 42nd Street.

McCartney had been teasing fans for days on social media – telling them to sign up for the chance to get tickets for this surprise show – but no official announcement was made about the situation.

Despite gray streaks in his famous t-shirt, the 76-year-old former Beatle was fighting.

He played familiar hits like "Let it be," "Can not Buy Me Love," "A Hard Day's Night" and "Lady Madonna." He also dug deeper into his songbook for "I Got A Feeling", "Hi Hi Hi" and "1985".

While he was playing three songs from his new album, McCartney made over 50-year-old white album. The sweaty and dancing crowd did not care much about time travel.

McCartney is perhaps the most famous musician in the world, but he is also human. Apparently nervous while he was standing on a riser in the middle of the audience with an acoustic guitar for a song, he dismissed the words to "Blackbird" not once but twice, starting with both times. Fans who surrounded her, famous and not famous, knew all the words and encouraged her.

"I know this song," he says with frustration. "I wrote it!"

Before singing the Beatles' first single, "Love Me Do," McCartney spoke of his nerves by singing the chorus and that he can still hear it in his voice when he hears it. ;recording.

Flash for half a century and he talked about a writing session with Kanye West. After a few days in the studio, he was not sure to even have a song. A few months later, West sent him a copy of "4, 5 Seconds" with Rihanna singing.

"I phoned him and asked him," Am I on this song? McCartney said, and West said it included his guitar, and at Grand Central McCartney picked it up.

Some members of the Beatles' extended family were present. Sean Lennon, the son of McCartney's last partner, was in the audience. As well as McCartney's wife, Nancy Shevell, and he dedicated to her the song "My Valentine". Giles Martin, the son of Beatles' long-time producer George Martin, was in charge of the concert sound.

For a new song on intimidation, McCartney has invited two women from the audience to tell their story about being mishandled. "I made fun of being a fan of the Beatles," said one of them.

This earned him a hug from The Beatles.

Fans told CBS New York that they could not believe their good fortune.

"I was shocked, I've never won anything like it," said Adam Birnbaum.

"I panicked," said Sarah Saul. "I love Paul McCartney."

"We grew up with him, he's like another friend," Butcher said. "He's like our confidant, the new secret song, you put Paul McCartney, he knows how to make you feel better."

The station had also sold these Paul Egypt McCartney special edition subway maps "Egypt Station". A nod to the legendary Beatle's new album released a few hours before his appearance on stage.

"Typical Paul," said Mike Rood. "I've followed his career like he's been doing for a while and I love the fact that he can always be sneaky with fans."

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