Paul McCartney recalls the times spent with John Lennon and him


John Lennon and Paul McCartney were good friends. Together, they traveled the world, shared the summits of an unimaginable celebrity, and changed the course of popular music with the songs they wrote. But in a new interview with GQMcCartney revealed how close he was to him and his mate. They played together, but they too, errr, play together.

Ostensibly talk to writer Chris Heath about his new album Station of Egypt, the 76-year-old music icon recalled the time when he and Lennon masturbated with a small band of friends.

"What it was, it was over at John's, and it was just a group of us. And instead of getting to drink and party – I do not even know if we were staying or anything else – we were all just in those chairs and the lights were off and someone started to masturbate. Explain

Not having adequate reading materials (it was primarily a pre-digital era), the boys called the names of movie stars attractive to stir their imagination. "We were right, Brigitte Bardot!" Whoo!

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The procedure stopped abruptly when the future songwriter "Imagine" forced his friends to imagine a great British hero instead of a blonde bombshell. "I think it was John in a way, Winston Churchill!"

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According to McCartney, the event was far from a regular event and only happened once. OK, maybe twice. But certainly not more than twice.

"I think it was an isolated case, or maybe it was a game for two. It was not a big thing. But, you know, it was just the kind of thing you did not think much about. It was just a group. Yes, it's scorching when you think about it. There are so many things like that since you are a child that you look back and you are, "Did we do that?" But it was a good harmless amusement. It did not hurt anyone. Not even Brigitte Bardot.

The story itself is not an exception. McCartney has repeatedly said over the years, including a passage in his authorized biography of 1998, Many years from now, which offers slightly different details.

"We were wankers when we were young at Nigel Whalley in Woolton," he said in his book, written by his friend Barry Miles. "We spent the night and we were all sitting in armchairs and we were going to turn off all the lights and be pubescent teens, we would all jerk off. What we used to do, someone would say, "Brigitte Bardot." "Oooh!", That would keep everyone on an equal footing. the concentration of all.

Lennon himself would immortalize the moment in a skit that he wrote for the 1969 play on Broadway. Oh! Calcutta!

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