Payments Company Stripe Reaches $ 20 Billion


Stripe joined the ranks of private technology groups with a valuation of $ 20 billion, more than double what the US payment company found useful in the last round of fundraising less than two years ago.

The San Francisco-based company serves as an online payment platform for a growing list of customers recently expanded to Uber and Spotify. He said that he would use the money from his last fundraiser to grow faster around the world, especially in Asia.

Its latest investment round of $ 245 million puts the company alongside the shared office company WeWork and the data analytics company Palantir in terms of valuation.

Stripe was founded eight years ago by the Irish brothers Patrick and John Collison, who saw the opportunity to build a simpler payment infrastructure for the growing number of businesses that relied on e-commerce. Since then, the company has expanded to a broader range of services for businesses operating online, including corporate incorporation, credit card issuance and billing.

The valuations of some other online payment companies have also surged recently, with investors betting on those that appeared to have the best chance of becoming broader platforms supporting e-commerce.

Square, co-founded by Twitter's chief executive, Jack Dorsey, saw its stock market value skyrocket to $ 39 billion this year, compared with just $ 3 billion at the time of its release three years ago. Meanwhile, PayPal, which was part of a wave of tech start-ups, benefited from a revaluation on Wall Street last year, bringing its value to more than $ 100 billion.

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