Peacock Renegade on the Loose in Vermont


Pea, a peacock aged one and a half, has disappeared.

According to Rene Johnson, owner of Pea in Springfield, Vermont, the peacock has recently fled with a flock of turkeys.

Johnson, owner of Pea since the age of two months, said that he had recently lost his roommate, Lemon, who died in September – which may have prompted him to take flight . He usually hangs with other chickens, said Johnson, but Pea has been on the run for six weeks.

Johnson said that she had seen Pea, along with other neighbors and hunters, but no one was able to capture Pea and take him home.

Johnson has set up a tent and hopes the forage will attract Pea. She has owned other peacocks in the past, but Pea is different. While the other peacocks would let you hold them, Pea is an "impertinent teenager," said Johnson.

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