Pecan Resist! And other anti-trump flavors


Washington (AFP) – Ice cream is not the weapon of choice for fighting political resistance. Neither are the spices. But they are deployed in the United States against President Donald Trump.

Ben & Jerry's ice cream, known for its laid-back vibe, progressive values ​​and zany flavors – such as Cherry Garcia, named in honor of Jerry Garcia, leader of the Grateful Dead group – kicked off this week's "PeCAN resist! " support anti-Trump groups.

"Ben & Jerry's believes that he can not remain silent in the face of President Trump's policies that are attacking and attempting to roll back decades of progress in racial and gender equity, anti-racism and anti-racism. climate change, LGBTQ rights and refugee and immigrant rights, "said the ice cream maker. said in a statement.

The company has launched this new flavor – a chocolate ice cream with white and black fudge pieces, pecans, walnuts and fudge-coated almonds – with an ice cream truck in Washington this week.

The fragrance "Celebrate activists who continue to resist oppression, harmful environmental practices and injustice" comes with donations of $ 25,000 to four groups of activists.

Consumers are also invited to "join the resistance".

PeCAN Resist! will be available for a limited time in Ben & Jerry stores and online, said a spokeswoman.

The founders of the company, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield – who sold the company to Unilever in 2000 – took the idea further, creating seven variants for the progressive candidates running for office. against the Republicans in mid-term elections on Tuesday.

– Spices for change –

In a video showing men preparing ice cream in a kitchen, Cohen said they were supporting "awesome progressive candidates who can stop Trump and change Congress".

Among the aromas include Lauren's Calling or Underwood for the good of the world, an apple pie, a caramel and pecan aroma topped by a Girl Scout cookie for Lauren Underwood, a Democrat who comes to the Congress outside Chicago.

Another example is Ammar-etto American Dream, made with coffee – "because this guy is going to move the system" – biscotti and amaretto, for the California candidate Ammar Campa-Najjar.

And JD Scholten's Homer Grand Slam has caramel corn "to symbolize his commitment to Iowa farmers and the rural community," said Cohen.

As the best-known ice cream maker, Penzeys Spices has not hesitated to oppose Trump's discordant rhetoric, and even offered free spice packs after a few splitting incidents, and published a photo with the phrase "Racism, a major asset.

Customers can purchase a box of "I Will Vote Kind" samples at $ 6, which includes a Southwest seasoning mix, a Kind Heart pin and I Will Vote stickers.

The company has received a lot of negative reactions on social media, but has not yielded to its position. He has published special offers related to various events, including revelations about Russia's interference in US elections – allegedly to help Trump.

The last message from Penzeys calls Trump to racist comments and says "instead of taking responsibility for his remarks, he puts forward the misconception that those who oppose him are those who are motivated by hate ".

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