Pedestals Can Reduce Health Risks in Sedentary Workplaces | aptitude


One study found that pedal desks can help sedentary employees achieve their health goals and reduce the risk of illnesses related to physical inactivity, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease .

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, United States, discovered that pedaling while performing professional tasks improved insulin responses during a meal test.

Post-meal insulin levels were lower when sedentary workers used a pedal console compared to a standard console. In addition, professional skills did not decrease when pedaling.

The researchers said pedal desks "could potentially achieve public health and occupational goals in sedentary work environments." They point out that physical inactivity and sedentary work environments have been linked to higher rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease due to insulin resistance. other mechanisms. "Rather than addressing the problem by trying to integrate intermittent activity into an essentially sedentary work routine, we chose to integrate physical activity into the work day," said Stuart Chipkin, head of the program. study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. .

The researchers felt that the alternatives currently available to office workers – standing desks and treadmill desks – could not be used for whole positions and could even be obstacles, such as standing for too long.

On the other hand, a pedal desk can be seated at the user's own speed for as little or as long as the worker wants.

Although there are currently no pedestals on the market, researchers have been able to use a prototype desk.

They recruited 12 full-time overweight / obese full-time office workers, six men and six women, and tested them under two conditions, pedaling at a self-paced rate for two hours and sitting for two hours at home. a traditional office. .

In both cases, participants performed computer-based tasks and were tested on mouse skills, speed and accuracy of typing, reading comprehension, and concentration / attention.

Participants also provided blood samples after a light meal to analyze the metabolic responses of glucose, insulin and free fatty acids, a link between obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes .

The researchers indicated that using the foot control console required far less insulin to maintain glucose concentrations than using the standard console.

"It took a lot less insulin to keep the same blood sugar. This means that the body does not work as hard to maintain blood glucose and fatty acid levels with the use of the footswitch compared to a standard console, "said Chipkin.

"From a metabolic point of view, the pedal desk seems to be useful and, from the point of view of work, the work tasks are not hindered," he said.

First published: November 11, 2018 12:52 PM IST

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