Pediatricians appealing to all parents of the planet: Enough to punish the children, it was no use!


The beatings will make it worse!
When parents hit children, they must think that just "get their attention" or bring up "old-fashioned".
However, receiving a slap, the child usually begins to behave even worse.
But the pediatricians all say that such behavior of the parents causes children serious harm. And it will be felt after many years, writes NBCnews.
Experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics updated its recommendations to parents on how to avoid corporal punishment.
They believe that because they are more aggressive, they also have mental problems.

"Corporal punishment increases the probability that children will be more aggressively and provocatively", – stated in the new recommendations.

"The cuffs are useless. It is known that children grow and develop better if the family prevails a positive atmosphere, and, if the children establish acceptable boundaries. You can find a better method of parenting than spanking and slapping, "says Dr. Robert Szego Medical Center" tufts "in Boston, one of the authors of the recommendations.

Pediatricians believe that verbal taunts, insults and humiliation as useless.

Parents, other caregivers and adults who interact with children and teenagers should not be used as a result of unacceptable behavior. They should not use such a strategy of verbal abuse or abuse of the child or child, "as stated in the updated recommendations.
"The children start to behave badly after only a few moments after such punishment. And even more they do not learn to monitor their behavior, "said Dr. Sega.
"This method of punishment and deprivation of any privileges, etc., teaches the child to monitor and manage their behavior. And that's the main thing. "

Many parents still believe that a child is an effective method of education.
For example, in the United States in 2004, experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics conducted a survey among parents of preschool children. 2/3 of people who are admitted to their children.
Pediatricians also reported that these parents and their children. And 80% of parents admitted that he had raised a hand to their children. With 85% of Teens said that they are beaten, and 51% that they beat with a belt or similar object.
In 2013 in the United States also conducted a similar survey among parents. 70% of respondents agreed that "a good spanking sometimes necessary to discipline a child". The good thing is that in 1986, this statement was agreed by 84% of parents.
Dr. Segal believes that the situation is changing:

"Unless we conduct a survey among parents of children under 5 years of age – that is, among the parents of the new generation – it becomes clear that these parents do not like to beat their children and some do not. Apparently there is a change of generations and parents are much less inclined to beat their children than their parents. "

Once a group of pediatricians studied the behavior of parents. It turned out that most fathers and mothers are warning of children before directly hitting. But with the strike they did not hesitate.

"Physical punishment should be on average 30 seconds after the warning. That is, most likely, the parents react either impulsively or emotionally, but not intentionally, "say pediatricians.

But this is of little use.

"Physical punishments are a temporary effect: for 10 minutes the majority of children (73%) behave the same as before punishment."

So little that corporal punishment is useless; it also affects children's behavior in the future.

"Children who are often physically punished tend to become more aggressive, especially at school. They have also developed mental disorders and cognitive problems, "says Dr. Segal.

These problems start, even if the parents mostly behave very lovingly and gently toward the baby.
Often, parents beat their children – this means that they have themselves a serious problem.

"Often beat children, parents who suffer from depression. In addition, financial problems, psychological problems, abuse by spouse, and the abuse of harmful substances also increase the frequency of children by parents, "says Dr. Segal.

"In one small study, those parents who were beaten to a child are more likely to use physical punishment than other parents."

So what are parents to do?
Experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics give two pieces of advice:
1. Set a positive and loving relationship with your child, support him and help him. If you do not do this, your child will only behave because they are afraid of you.
2. Encourage your child if he behaves as you want. This motivates him to behave in the future.
Pediatricians say that a very good method of education of children of primary school age – temporary bans. For example, it is possible for some time to forbid children to play with friends or on the street, use gadgets to sit in front of the TV or computer.
And, you can consult with your pediatrician about how to affect the child's behavior, not causing him harm. A good pediatrician will never tell you to smack the child or to apply some other humiliating punishment.
For example, in the United States in 2016, a survey was conducted among pediatricians and found that only 6% of them approve of spanking. However, only 2.5% of the experts really believed that spanking will benefit.
Experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics believe that positive motivation and encouragement of good behavior of children yielded results.
But in any case it is not physical punishment!
What do you think, do I need to beat children to behave?
Victor Sibiel.

About The Author

Ted Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young teens and family dynamics for the Metro desk. Before joining The Koz Week, Ted Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella.

Original Article can be found here

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