Pelosi declares victory before Election Day


Nancy Pelosi.

"When we do win, when we open the new Congress, we will honor the vows of our founders, e pluribus unum," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said. | Aaron P. Bernstein / Getty Images


The House Minority Leader's Spiking of the Ball – Even if Her Supporters would not call it that – could be risky.



Nancy Pelosi is declaring victory in the battle for the House.

In house and private, the House minority leader – who wants to make the world go back to the house of the gavel she lost eight years ago – has said Democrats will pick up the house and end the Republicans' lock on Congress .

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Appearing on "The Late Show" with Stephen Colbert on Tuesday, Pelosi (D-Calif.) Said that "up until today, I would've said, 'If the election were held today, we would win.'

"What now I'm saying, 'We will win, we will win,' Pelosi announced.

Colbert, recalling Democrats' belief that Hillary Clinton would win in 2016, warned Pelosi against overconfidence. But the longtime Democratic leader insisted that his party was primed to retake the House and possibly score other victories in Senate and gubernatorial races across the country.

"We're just walking precincts and if everyone votes, we'll have a bigger victory," Pelosi said. "Goal Democrats will carry the House. If we have a bigger victory, the Senate, governorships. It's going to be a great night for America. "

Pelosi had the same message during a conference call on Monday with Democrats. Pelosi told Democrats during that call they would pick up at least 23 seats – and possibly far more – putting them in control of the House, according to several Democratic sources.

Pelosi's spiking of the ball – even if it would not call it that – could be risky. House Democracy, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, United States President Donald Trump and the Republican Legislative record on health care and taxes. But with the House minority leading now Democrats will win six days before polls go to polls, Pelosi could give some life to those last-ditch GOP arguments.

Republicans also believe that they still have a chance of staying out of the House, pointing to a backlog of GOP voters following the hugely controversial battle over Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.

"While Nancy Pelosi is taking steps to drapes," said Matt Gorman, communications director for the National Republican Congressional Committee. "This is a volatile battlefield, we're focused and ready for Tuesday."

Yet Pelosi – like her other party leaders – has a strong look at the most recent polling and turnout, and she feels confident about her call.

"Pelosi is a numbers person," said Pelosi's thinking. "There was concern about a large infusion of cash from the Republicans, but we are keeping competitive."

And Pelosi is not the only senior House Democrat leaning hard on the likely outcome on Nov. 6. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Ben Ray Lujan (D-N.M.) Repeatedly predicted Democratic victory during an appearance on "Fox News Sunday."

"I never said this would be easy, but we made a commitment to build a battlefield that leaves no stone unturned. And that's why I am confident that we will win the majority in just nine days, "Lujan said.

The DCCC has poured money into more than 80 House races and developed to vote turnout model Democrats believe should give them multiple paths to victory. Democratic candidates – fueled by anti-trump fervor within the party base – have swamped their republican counterparts on fundraising, and pro-democratic super PACs are pouring in tens of millions more in battleground fights.

Polls also show good news for House Democrats. In Los Angeles Times poll released on Monday showed Democrats holding a 17-point lead in a generic nerd, a huge margin.

And POLITICO's latest in-house midterm analysis House of the Democrats.

Pelosi also promised Colbert on Tuesday that "when we win," Democrats will lower the temperature on political rhetoric.

"You will see evidence of that," Pelosi said. "When we do win, when we open the new Congress, we will honor the vows of our founders, e pluribus unum."

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