Pelosi flexes political power in the race for presidency


Faced with the toughest threat to his long and historic tenure as the House's best Democrat, Rep. Nancy PelosiNancy Patricia's Alesandro PelosiDem Ben McAdams defeated Mia, GOP's love for the seat at Utah House, approves Nancy Pelosi in a surprise gesture Obama congratulates Pelosi: "One of the most effective legislative leaders of history "PLUS (Calif.) Has made tremendous progress in recent days to garner support for his candidacy for the post of president and crush the small but determined group of insurgents who are fighting to prevent him from grab the hammer next year.

Pelosi took advantage of his network of allies, both in Congress and outside, to launch a fierce public relations campaign designed to intimidate his detractors by leaving them with a subtle idea that their efforts are in vain. At the same time, she works behind closed doors and offers carrots to opponents who jump at her side.

Efforts paid off this week, when Pelosi eliminated two of his most vocal detractors, the Reps. Marcia FudgeMarcia Louise FudgeFudge supports Nancy Pelosi in a surprise initiative Marcia Fudge has already written a letter of support to a man accused of murder. Anti-Pelosi Dem confronts voters at heated town hall MORE (D-Ohio) and Brian HigginsBrian Higgins16 Dems Sign a Letter Opposing Pelosi as President of the United States and Canada Working Hard to Conclude an NAFTA Agreement 11 An Anti-Leadership Plan -Pelosi signed by Dems (D-N.Y.), Hitting hard the opposition campaign in the approaching Thanksgiving – and while ensuring that the momentum will remain the same throughout the holiday weekend.

Of course, Pelosi is still grappling with an obvious mathematical problem, with around twenty critics still convinced that they will oppose her at the January presidential vote. But, in the eyes of Pelosi's allies, the strategic cajol, combined with a mere show of brute force, is part of a return to the presidency that many deem inevitable.

"What we see this week is a demonstration of what everyone in Washington knows: @NancyPelosi is not coming to play," Neera Tanden, director of the Center for American Progress and Pelosi supporter, tweeted on Wednesday.

The picture was darker for Pelosi just a week ago.

When lawmakers returned to the Capitol after the mid-term, insurgent leaders boasted of steady progress in their efforts to gather signatures to demonstrate that Pelosi did not have the votes to win the hammer during the January vote of the president. in the room. A number of new lawmakers have amplified their campaign wishes to oppose Pelosi's aspirations in their first votes in Washington. And the opponents thought they had found their opponent elusive when Fudge started throwing out the idea of ​​getting into the President's race.

"We have enough votes," Rep. Kurt SchraderWalter (Kurt) Kurt Schrader16 Dems signs a letter opposing Pelosi as president of Michigan Demoming Dem Demers will not support Pelosi Pelosi and his opponents will express their self-confidence during President's battle MORE (D-Ore.), One of Pelosi's critics, said last week. "What we are trying to do is to ensure that someone has the opportunity to withdraw and allow new leaders to come forward."

What a difference a few days can make.

On Monday, the insurgents issued their much-awaited letter, warning the Democrats that the mid-term voters had sent a message of change that the party would have kept its majority in 2020, starting with an overhaul of the leadership.

Yet the list of 16 signatories did not reach the desired score of 20. And Fudge, who originally appeared on the letter, withdrew his name just hours before its publication.

On Tuesday, the reason was clear: Pelosi had proposed resurrecting a late election subcommittee next year – and putting Fudge at the top of the list.

"I am now confident that we will go forward together and that the 116th Congress will be a convention of which we can all be proud," Fudge said, approving Pelosi.

Higgins, who signed the letter, was the next shocking reversal. Earlier in the year, the seven-term New Yorker made many waves when he vowed to oppose Pelosi, the "distant, frantic and misplaced" caller. On Wednesday, he lent his support to the California Liberal after promising to give priority to two at the top of his wish list: a $ 1.5 billion infrastructure package and a proposal to create an option for Medicare purchase for over 50s.

"Some people will ask why I changed my position. The answer is simple: I have taken a principled stance on issues of vital importance, not only to my constituents in western New York, but also to more than 300 million Americans whose lives can be improved. progress in these areas, "Higgins said in a statement.

"However, a position of principle often requires a pragmatic vision to succeed," he said.

The reversals illustrate the many tools available to Pelosi to bring on its side even the most ardent opponents. In addition to committee duties, Pelosi has a great deal to do in choosing offices, awarding special assignments, creating new executive positions, and approving international travel for Congressional research.

Pelosi was also by far the most prolific fundraiser for Democrats in this cycle, raising more than $ 137 million for the party's campaign arm, vulnerable historical candidates and first-time hopeful candidates. to change seats in the most contested races. Among the insurgents, Rep. Seth MoultonSeth Wilbur MoultonFudge endorsed Nancy Pelosi and Marcia Fudge wrote a letter of support to a man accused of murder. Anti-Pelosi Dem confronts voters at heated town hall MORE (D-Mass.) Was the largest fundraiser in these categories, raising $ 3.9 million to help Democrats overthrow the House.

In districts where Pelosi's liberal reputation threatened to harm Democratic candidates, she was careful to channel funds through the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), to prevent GOP strategists from linking it directly to the Democrats. democratic hopes on the battlefield.

Indeed, the insurgency letter was not approved by a handful of incoming first-year representatives who promised to oppose Pelosi – perhaps a recognition that it had contributed greatly to the success of their campaigns.

Pelosi had a lot of help to reduce the opposition.

representative Elijah CummingsElijah Eugene CummingsHouse Dems to Investigate the Use of Ivanka Trump's Email Dem Donors Commend Pelosi's Letter of Support The Drug Industry Is Alarmed by Grassley's New Role (D-Md.), A supporter of Pelosi who, like Fudge, had headed the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), had organized the meeting between Fudge and Pelosi on Capitol Hill last week. Be p. Richard NealRichard Edmund NealLeft wants a vote on the single-payer bill in the new Congress The Progressive Group is launching a petition to urge Dems to investigate Trump's taxes Older people are the big winners of legislative elections in the House MORE (D-Mass.), Who should lead the Ways and Means Committee, was the catalyst for launching talks between Pelosi and Higgins, also a member of the powerful group.

"You can never count it," said a Democrat who watched the talks closely. "If she ends up becoming President, they want to get something out of it."

The slow erosion of the opposition has highlighted the absolute power – and the many tentacles – of the Pelosi machine, which is running at full speed before the elections to the leadership of the Democratic Party behind closed doors, scheduled for November 28 .

Pelosi has recruited powerful national figures, including Al GoreAlbert (Al) Arnold GoreScott beats Nelson in the Florida Senate race after a bitter fight against a bitter report The Michigan Demo incident will not support Pelosi Florida has a chance to redeem itself MORE and John KerryJohn Forbes, KerryTrump, will preside in President Kerry's powerful presidency: "People will die" because of Trump's withdrawal from the Paris climate deal, Kerry tears up for jumping at the military cemetery: "The President of the truculent child ", issue statements of support. A long and growing list of outside liberal groups, including unions, gun reformers and abortion rights organizations, has rushed to its side with public support. . And Pelosi was quick to stem any potential wave of support for the insurgency by rallying eminent legislators by his side – and officially registering them with public statements, which his office then sent to the world. The list included influential members of the CBC, where Fudge's core support is strongest.

Higgins, for example, wanted Rep. Karen BassKaren Ruth BassDem gathers women behind Pelosi Pelosi, the potential rival Fudge holds a "frank" discussion Marcia Fudge in the limelight as Pelosi's president struggles (D-Calif.), A senior CBC member must apply for leadership. Still, Bass announced his support for Pelosi late last week, a decision that influenced Higgins' decision to support Pelosi.

To complicate the insurgent's path, the group is largely made up of right-wing attacking centrists, leaving little outside support from special Democratic-minded interest groups who throw their weight behind Pelosi. . This dynamic contrasts with the far-right Freedom Caucus group, which has benefited from considerable media support and conservative think tanks in their constant efforts to challenge Republican authorities.

A new poll, conducted after the mid-term elections by Politico and Morning Consult, revealed that 48% of Democratic voters supported the Pelosi President's ambitions, compared to 22% who opposed his ascension.

Nevertheless, many comparisons have taken place between the insurgents and the freedom caucus, as more and more conventional Democrats are increasingly frustrated by the public demonstration of internal division just after obtaining the control of the lower room.

"They are like terrorists, there is no reasoning," said a former Democratic leadership assistant. "They do not have the votes but it does not matter."

Critics of Pelosi reject these criticisms, arguing that the very future of the Democratic majority is based on a change in direction.

representative Tim RyanTimothy (Tim) John RyanFudge approves Nancy Pelosi and Marcia Fudge wrote a letter of support to a man accused of murder. 16 Dems sign a letter opposing Pelosi to the presidency. (D-Ohio), who challenged Pelosi unsuccessfully in 2016, said the main goal of the insurgency is to protect newly recruited new members who have pledged to oppose Pelosi. to take difficult votes to keep it in place.

"The minority is the people who brought us into the majority. They have more weight and they have to go back to represent themselves, "Ryan told reporters at Capitol Hill on Friday. "We have the obligation to protect them. For me, it's good policy. "

However, the insurgents do not have a potential candidate, following the change of Fudge, and an overwhelming majority of Democratic institutions is increasingly agitated as the fight continues.

"Their basic idea is that we are going to extort him," said the former executive assistant. "Their option is basically to destroy the party without an alternative."

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