Pelosi is well positioned to return to the role of speaker if Democrats emerge triumphant in November


Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader in the House of Representatives, was defamed by both Republicans and Democrats, suddenly growing in popularity.

A poll recently conducted by the Republican National Committee revealed that Pelosi was more popular than President Donald Trump – and came out ahead when the midterm elections were called a race between the two, reported Shira Tarlo of Salon.

The private survey, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and obtained by Bloomberg Business Week, asked registered voters that they would support "when the November elections are framed by Trump and Pelosi".

But Pelosi appeared immune to the flagrant Vitriol launched in August 2018 in front of the New York Times, saying she was mocking Democrats who openly opposed his desire to be the majority Speaker again. "Let them do what they want, we must win elections," Pelosi said.

To date, Pelosi has raised more than $ 83 million for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for the mid-term elections in November.

The California Democrat has also successfully overcome a late hurdle in his quest to recover the speaker's hammer, leaving it "free to pursue a historic comeback if his party wins the majority on election day" , according to Politico.

The recent questioning of his leadership came when representatives Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.) And Kathleen Rice (DN.Y.) tried to pass a proposal that would have required a minimum of 218 Democrats to support the future candidate speaker of their party. in the caucus. Politico elaborated:

This threshold would be incredibly high for Pelosi or any other person, and would essentially allow a minority of Democrats, in a secret ballot, to effectively exercise the veto over the choice of their party's president.

The Democratic presidential candidate will still have to get 218 votes in an open call in the House, but this is considered a much tougher vote against the party.

However, the anti-Pelosi team could only get the support of 11 Democrats. When Mr Pelosi insisted on voting on the motion, the Democrats withdrew it.

During the discussion, Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) defended supporters of the motion to change the rules, according to Politico. Fudge has been supporting a new leadership since 2016, when she supported Pelosi's challenger for the party's leading position, Tim Ryan.

"I think this is a good time for a new leadership." The Democrats have seen significant losses in the House and Senate, but MPs have been asked to make little, if any, of the reasons for these losses, "said Fudge in a statement. . "We continue to rely on consultants who know less than us about our districts and states."

However, Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.), Declared that Perlmutter-Rice's proposal would "turn us into Republicans", as the warring factions within the GOP have caused many ills. head of the House, Paul Ryan.

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