Pelosi predicts the Democratic Party will win the House: "It will be a great evening for America"


Just a week before November 6, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Minority Leader, announced her bold predictions regarding the poll's "Late Show with Stephen Colbert".

"Let me just say this," Pelosi told Colbert. "Until now, I would have said," If the elections were held today, we would win. What I say now is, "We will win."

Colbert was shocked, asking the congressional woman not to compromise the party's chances of demanding Congress. "Please, do not say that," he replied to Pelosi. "Do you mean that on Hillary's fireworks boat that she canceled? Please, please, please." do not say that.

Pelosi said that she believed the Democrats would win because they were "pedestrian neighborhoods" that owned the land they walked on. "Democrats will carry the House. If we have a bigger victory, the Senate, the governors. It's going to be a good night for America. "

"I think I should sacrifice a goat or something like that to take away the hexagon of what you just said," Colbert replied jokingly.

While Pelosi remained openly optimistic about the future of his party, the conversation shifted from politics to the purple color of Pelosi. Colbert thought it was a possible metaphor for America to be neither red nor blue, neither republican nor democratic. Although she did not confirm the theory, Pelosi acknowledged that the time had come to unify America and that it was time to heal.

"When we win, we will honor the wishes of our founders:" E Plurbus Unum, "Pelosi said. [Our founders] I could not imagine how much we would be – or how different we would be from each other – but they knew we had to strive for unity. It's good not to agree on the market of ideas – it's exciting – but it's also important to find solutions that unite rather than divide – and that's what makes all the difference between Democrats and what is currently in the White House. "

About Trump's recent assertion that he could revoke the birthright citizenship, which is listed in the 14th Amendment, by way of a decree.

"I can not even imagine what our founders would think: see a president take an oath to protect the US Constitution and then abuse it," Pelosi said. "This is the purpose of this choice: brakes and counterweights. It's a check on this president. Usually we talk about politics. In this case, we are talking about the United States Constitution. "

The Democratic leader concluded the interview by citing his alleged polarization presence among the grassroots of the president and many other Republicans. This electoral cycle has been the subject of more negative publicity than the president himself.

"They only say that because they have nothing to offer," Pelosi said. "I want the woman to know that you can not let anyone else define you.You can not let your opponents pick the leaders of your party.They come after me because I am a very effective legislator."

You can watch the full interview below:

Ryan Mikel

Ryan Mikel

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