Pelosi tries to regain the role of speaker in the House against the new threat of rebel Democrats


A group of rebel Democrats in the United States is calling for a petition to change the party's rules for the election of its speaker – in what is seen as an attempt to prevent the current minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, from find his role.

At least 10 anti-Pelosi Democrats signed a letter to caucus chair Joe Crowley to change the rules governing the election of the Democratic presidential candidate, Atlantic magazine reported.

Currently, a candidate must receive a majority of the Democratic caucus votes to be nominated as a candidate for the entire US House for a vote. This gives a leeway to the Democrats competing in the Red States, because they can distance themselves from the California Democrat and even vote against it without stopping his candidacy.

While legislators vote according to their party's line, the caucus-endorsed candidate still occupies first place in the lower house, assuming the Democratic Party has the most seats.

But rebel democrats seek to change the process. The letter calls for changes to the caucus rules so that the next candidate gets at least 218 caucus votes, the majority of the plenary, if Democrats have the majority of seats.

The letter was issued by US representatives Ed Perlmutter of Colorado and Kathleen Rice of New York, the magazine reported.

DEM REVOLT AGAINST PELOSI GROWS, AMID fears that his shadow will bring down the hopes of the middle

The potential rule change will be voted next week and, if passed, Pelosi will have a much harder time getting votes with the potential influx of newly elected anti-constitutional Democrats who have declared that it will not be possible. they would not support Pelosi. request for leadership.

One of these newcomers could be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old Democratic Socialist candidate who ousted Crowley at the June primary in New York.

According to some figures, at least 27 Democratic House candidates will not pledge to support Pelosi, 78, who has been a speaker from January 2007 to January 2011.

Other figures indicate the number of Democratic candidates and incumbents of more than 50 candidates who would prefer to see another speaker than Pelosi.

Despite efforts to pass the new rules, many believe that change is doomed to failure, as no member of the Democratic caucus will receive the 218 votes required to be introduced as the next Speaker of the House.

Even those who seek to dethrone Pelosi, according to the Atlantic, fear to support the motion because they might alienate the pro-Pelosi Democrats whose votes will be necessary to approve another candidate.

Lukas Mikelionis is a reporter for Follow him on Twitter @LukasMikelionis.

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