Pence accuses China of anti-Trump campaign


In a fiery speech to the conservative Hudson Institute in Washington, Pence said China was extending its power "in a more proactive and coercive way to interfere in US domestic politics."

"Frankly speaking, President Trump's leadership is working, China wants a different US president," said Pence.

Pence's remarks come as US officials, including Trump himself, have stepped up their speeches against what they see as Chinese efforts to undermine US companies, provoke the US military and develop a Sophisticated campaign of electoral interference similar to that conducted by Russia in the 2016 election.

The comments echo Trump's last week's explosive allegation by the UN Security Council that China is already intervening in the mid-term elections of 2018. The Chinese Foreign Minister has denied the demand at the time.

"Beijing has mobilized secret actors, front groups and propaganda media to change Americans' perceptions of Chinese politics," said Pence. "As a senior member of our intelligence community, I recently said that what the Russians are doing is far below what China is doing in this country."

The vice president said that China's alleged interference in the elections was a response to Trump's decision to slap tariffs on Chinese products, claiming that it "specifically targeted industries and states that would play an important role in the 2018 election ".

"According to one estimate, more than 80 percent of US counties targeted by China voted for President Trump in 2016, and now China wants to turn these voters against our administration," he said.

Other Trump administration officials have recently warned of the hybrid threat posed by China.

In a speech last week, the director of national intelligence Dan CoatsDaniel (Dan) Ray CoatsThe Morning & # 39; s Morning – Where is the Kavanaugh Bid? Hillicon Valley: 50 Million People Affected by Piracy Facebook | Google CEO will testify at Capitol Hill | Tesla shares after the pursuit of the SEC | House Intel vote for the publication of the transcripts of the investigation on Russia | Dem holds the adoption of a key law proposal, Intel, for the publication of Russia's transcripts PLUS Accusing Beijing of targeting state and local governments and "trying to exploit any division between the federal and local levels in policy, uses investment and other incentives to increase its influence" when from a speech delivered in front of The Citadel Military College last week.

Nevertheless, officials have not provided any evidence of China's involvement in cyberattacks, in the image of what Russia did to influence the election of 2016. In addition to piracy and From the broadcast emails of high-level Democrats, Russian hackers also targeted the digital systems involved in the elections, including violating a database of voters in Illinois.

Secretary for Homeland Security Kirstjen NielsenKirstjen Michele NielsenSenate Joins Cybersecurity Agency at DHS Hillicon Valley: Trump Meets Google Head | DHS chief denounces red tape | Russian hackers went after "Star Wars" | Amazon raises DHS chief's minimum wage: Congress hampers efforts to deal with ever-evolving threats MORE said on Tuesday that there was "no indication" from any foreign opponent trying to disrupt US electoral systems.

"We know that they have the capability and we have the will," Nielsen said at an internet summit organized by the Washington Post. "So we are constantly on the alert. What we are seeing now with China is influence campaigns, more traditional, long-standing and holistic influence campaigns. "

On Thursday, Pence accused China of "taking a whole-of-government approach, using political, economic and military tools, as well as propaganda, to advance its influence and defend its interests in the United States."

The speech is likely to aggravate tensions with Beijing, given the intensification of the trade war and heated disputes over territorial disputes in the South China Sea. The emerging economic conflict threatens to weaken the US and global economy.

Trump has long accused China of "gouging" us of trade as he sought to build relations with Chinese President Xi Jinping and seek his help to negotiate nuclear diplomacy with North Korea.

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