Pence Uses Border Security at Yuma Rally for McSally, Southwest Waypoints | Arizona and Regional News


ROSWELL, MN – Vice President Mike Pence welcomed the applause Friday while insisting on border security while he was campaigning for Republican candidates in New Mexico and Arizona.

In Yuma, Arizona, near the Mexican border, Pence rallied the grassroots pressure base for Martha McSally, who is in a difficult race for the Senate with Kyrsten Sinema.

"This election is a choice and this choice could not be clearer," said Pence.

Earlier in the day, at a campaign rally in New Mexico, a mob raged when Pence said the Trump administration would not give up on building a new one. wall along the border and to the repair of what he called broken immigration system.

The Pence case in New Mexico sparked a movement in the Southwest, where immigration, border security and the caravan of thousands of Central American migrants heading to Mexico were the subject of debate and debate. advertising campaigns before the mid-term elections.

He was scheduled to travel to Las Vegas and Carson City, Nevada on Saturday.

Pence traveled to Roswell, New Mexico, to support Republican candidate for the governorship, Steve Pearce, and Congresswoman Yvette Herrell.

Pence told the crowd that it was necessary to have more conservative voices heard in Congress and in the state palates of the country if progress was to be made in border security.

He mentioned the migrants from Central America, saying that the caravan was organized by leftist groups and that smugglers exploited migrants regardless of the elderly and children.

Pence reiterated a message to the group members: "Turn around, we will not allow you to enter our country illegally." This sparked songs from "Build this Wall".

The Vice President said that the administration would request changes to immigration legislation to ensure equity for immigrants waiting for a legal entry.

In addition to highlighting Pearce's military and congressional records and Herrell's position on border security, Pence took advantage of his stop in eastern New Mexico to tout the low unemployment rate and the confirmation of the Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Pence's visit sparked criticism from Democrats in New Mexico, where the party is trying to recapture the governor's seat and overthrow a key congressional seat that covers the border region.

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