Pennsylvania car explosion kills one, triggering FBI investigation


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ALLENTOWN, Pa. – A car exploded on a city street, killing at least one person and resulting in an on-site shelter order from nearby residents, and federal authorities help local authorities in the area. 39; investigation.

The explosion occurred at Allentown around 9:30 pm. On Saturday, Deputy Police Chief Gail Struss announced Sunday morning.

"We can confirm that there is at least one fatality," she said in a statement.

Resident Carlos Perodin told The Morning Call of Allentown that he was watching a movie with his wife when he heard an explosion of thunder and went to the scene.

"The fire was crazy," he says. "The car was pretty much divided in two."

According to the newspaper, a bus station has been turned into a makeshift command center with armored vehicles, dozens of police cars, mobile command units and even portable bathrooms. Several portable tents have also been erected for the processing of evidence.

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