People are still eating cereals recalled with honey – and they are sick


Image: Gene J. Puskar (AP)

Since June, public health experts have warned people to stay away from Kellogg's Honey Smacks, as this could cause you a serious case of Salmonella poisoning. But people still eat frogs and they unfortunately get sick.

On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated their records of victims suspected of being infected with the epidemic so far. As of August 30, at least 130 people in 36 states have been infected with the same strain of Salmonella Mbandaka since March 3rd. No deaths related to the epidemic have been reported, although 34 people have been hospitalized.

The CDC and other federal health agencies announced their investigation into the June 14 outbreak; On the same day, Kellogg recalled all her Honey Smacks cereals. But cases have continued to flow since then. Between July 12th and this latest announcement, another 30 people became ill. And it is possible that other cases that occurred after August 4 have not yet been discovered and reported.

Despite the recall, which applied to all Honey Smacks cereals on the market with an expiry date of June 14, 2018 to June 14, 2019, it is possible that products with earlier expiry dates may still be contaminated. According to the CDC, more recent victims also reported eating cereals left in their homes.

Because of this, the CDC reiterated its warning that consumers are not eating Kellogg's Honey Smacks cereal for the moment, no matter when it was purchased or if eating it before did not make you sick. Those who empty their cereal in another unlabeled container and who do not remember the presence of Honey Smacks should throw it in case, adds the CDC. And these containers should be thoroughly washed then with hot, soapy water.

Of course, retailers should not sell or serve Honey Smacks cereals either.

Fortunately, Salmonella is usually a painful nuisance. Within 12 to 72 hours following infection, most people experience diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps, which can last anywhere from four to seven days. Rarely, it can turn into a serious, life-threatening infection, especially in vulnerable groups such as the very young and the elderly, as well as pregnant or immunocompromised women.

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