People can now choose a man, a woman or an X on New York birth certificates


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio passed a bill on Tuesday authorizing a third sex-related option on birth certificates.

The new law allows for "male", "female" and "X" birth certificates, which helps people who do not identify, male or female, to better reflect their identity.

It is also easier for people to declare their own sex. Currently, people who want to change their gender on their birth certificates must be approved and evaluated by health professionals and medical care. The current bill, which comes into effect on January 1, 2019, removes this requirement.

"How can anyone have happiness when he can not be what he is?" How can a person be free and free if he is not recognized for what he sees as such, "said de Blasio, a Democrat, at a press conference before the signing of the project of law.

New York City joins other cities and states in the country that already have a third "X" option on gender for official documents. Oregon, California, the state of Washington and New Jersey already allow it on birth certificates. Oregon, Maine, California and Washington, D.C. permit "X" sex on driver's licenses, although this option is not available in New York State.

The chairman of the city council, Corey Johnson, who introduced the bill, said at the signing today that he had heard transgender New Yorkers talk about the bill. importance of a third kind option for them.

"It was the bill I was most proud of," he said.

Tanya Asapansa-Johnson Walker, co-founder of New York's Transgender Advocacy Group, said at the signing of the bill that the move would bring dignity to unethical and non-binary people.

Previously, she had to talk with doctors to validate her gender identity.

"This change may seem small, but it is monumental for many people," she said. "And I am so happy that the new generations do not suffer such indignities."

Write to Katie Honan at [email protected]

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