People think that Kim Kardashian West Photoshopped Baby, Chicago's hair and face


In 2018, magazines and advertisers are not the only ones to photograph. Anyone with a smartphone and an Instagram account can now edit just about any aspect of his appearance. Kim Kardashian West and her sisters, for example, have been repeatedly called for allegedly altering their faces and bodies, but the latest apparent montage of Kardashian West is raising the level of criticism even higher than usual.

This criticism stems from what many see as a useless and inappropriate montage that Kardashian West made on a photo of her granddaughter, Chicago West, cuddling with Kylie Jenner's daughter, Stormi Webster. The photo dates from early September, when Jenner uploaded it to Instagram with the caption "Pajama Party". Kardashian West, meanwhile, did not add the snapshot to its own stream about a week ago, early October.

"Happiness," she subtitled the photo that, at first glance, seems to differ from her younger sister's version only by her desaturated filter, which Kardashian West has ostensibly chosen to complement the rest of her diet.

On Monday however, the CelebFace Instagram account, which regularly highlights the importance of photo editing by comparing original celebrity photos to the versions they publish, has taken a closer look at both versions of the cousin's hug photo. In a video that quickly switches between the sisters' publications, in addition to the obvious filter change, Kardashian West also seems to have inexplicably smoothed part of Chicago's brow and curly hair.

Almost all those who left messages on the comparison were indignant, blaming Kardashian West for apparently having sent her eight-month-old daughter the message that she would have to criticize her own appearance from a very young age. "I am sorry for the poor child that his mother did not see perfect," wrote one of them. "Wow, imagine photoshopping your own kids," added another, while a third predicted, "She's going to give body dysmorphism to her kids and it's sad."

Kardashian West has not yet responded to accusations or criticism. In the meantime, the best and surest way to do this is to give him the benefit of the doubt and to avoid shaming his parental and other responsibilities.

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