People who drink coffee, no matter how much, are likely to live a long and healthy life


Even the heaviest coffee drinkers are less likely to die prematurely than those who drink the least or not at all. Not only does new research support this claim, but a number of recent studies have been in agreement with this statement. The latest one is a large study, which bears witness to this fact.

No matter what kind of coffee you prefer to drink, including decaffeinated or instant coffee, coffee drinkers who seem to be intoxicated People who drink coffee, regardless of the amount, are likely to live long, a healthy life ” rel=”725X543″/>

Regular coffee drinkers, no matter how much coffee or the type of coffee they drank, were less likely to die over a 10-year period than drinkers of coffee, reported the study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Jama Internal Medicine

Even people who consumed between one and eight cups or more a day were less likely to die on average, that non-drinkers, reported Erikka Lotfield, chief research officer of the National Cancer Institute team.

A 10-year follow-up study found that of 14,000 people who died, non-drinkers were more likely to be dead than coffee drinkers. Here is what was revealed:

  People who drink coffee, regardless of quantity, are likely to live long and healthy

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    -Participants who drank four or more cups a day, compared to those who drank less coffee and non-drinkers, were more likely to drink "Smokers who drank one to three cups per day day were older, were more likely to have a university degree and were also likely to report having an "excellent" health

    . Reduce the levels of inflammation in the body, how the body uses insulin, help the liver and function and also benefit the health of your blood vessels.

     People who drink coffee, regardless of quantity, are likely to live long Healthy Living


    – The study also found evidence that coffee can help protect against diabetes, colon and liver cancer, and reduce inflammation in the body.

    A few other large studies published recently were in agreement with this theory.

    Men who reported drinking the most coffee were about 12% less likely to die during the follow-up period compared to men who did not drink coffee. Similarly, women who drank the most coffee were 7% less likely to die during this period than women who did not drink coffee, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, based on data collected on 16 years old.

     People who drink coffee, whatever the quantity, are likely to live long and healthy

    Another study that collected data over a period of 16 years. the follow-up compared people who drank coffee to those who did not drink it, revealed that those who drank a cup a day were 12% less likely to die during follow-up. People who drank two or more cups a day were 18% less likely to die. "Caffeine is the most studied compound, but we see similar patterns in people who drink decaffeinated," said V. Wendy Setiawan, of the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles .

    t indicate that coffee necessarily prevents people from dying, research should at least reassure people who can not do without their daily cup of coffee.

    "I think for some people it's going to put their minds at ease." It's premature for people to start consuming coffee to improve health outcomes, "said Lichtenstein. She also said that people who drink coffee do not drink other drinks with lots of calories like apple juice.

     People who drink coffee, no matter how much, are likely to live long Life

    However, there is an added benefit to drink more than you usually do. Mortality rates only improve the cups of coffee you drink, for example, the researchers noted.

    While caffeine in large quantities can potentially put you in danger, it takes huge amounts of coffee to deliver a lethal dose – about 25 cups, according to the FDA.

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