Perry Funeral Hospital: Unburied Fetuses, Children Removed from Second Detroit Funeral Home


DETROIT – About 36 fetuses and infants were removed Friday night from a Detroit funeral home – the second installation where the remains have been badly eliminated. Police discovered the remains at Perry Funeral Home on Friday.

Jason Moon of the Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Department said that the human remains were found in three non-refrigerated boxes. In addition, additional remains were found in a freezer. Some of the bodies had dates of death in 2015.

"I've never seen anything like this since I was 41 years old as an officer," Detroit Chief of Police James Craig told The Detroit Free Press daily. "It's disturbing, but let's get to the bottom of things."

Perry Funeral Home is the second facility of its kind in Detroit where fetuses have been discovered. The remains of 10 fetuses and a baby were found hidden in the ceiling of an old funeral home in Detroit last week. In this case, an anonymous letter brought the state control authorities to the building housing the Cantrell Funeral Home.

Craig said the law enforcement authorities were considering forming a task force to investigate the problem, with a particular focus on improper body storage and fraud.

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