Pete Carroll reports that he favored Russell Wilson: "I'm penned"


For years, there have been reports of tension inside the Seattle Seahawks locker room as a result of the devastating Patriots defeat at the Super Bowl XLIX. This week, a detailed story in Sports Illustrated revealed that these tensions began to bubble even earlier, as several Boom Legion Seahawk players thought coach Pete Carroll was not holding quarterback Russell Wilson in same level as other players. team, instead of favoring quarterbacks and neglecting mistakes in situations where other players would attract strong criticism.

"He protected it," said a Seahawks player at "And we hated that." Every time he got up, Pete would never say anything – not in a team meeting, not publicly, never – if Russ had a terrible game, he'd always talk about his resistance. . " We are like what you are talking about?

Another player specifically referred to the NFC title game in 2015, when Wilson completed only 14 of 29 passes for 209 yards with four interceptions. After Wilson completed two miraculous passes to win the game in overtime, Carroll praised his quarter afterwards.

"It's when the guys really started to notice the lack of responsibility," said a former player. "Before that, if the guys made mistakes or we lost games, guys took responsibility, for better or for worse, we started losing."

The loss of the Super Bowl has just fractured things. "It's at this point that some guys have started to wonder openly if [Carroll] believed in his philosophy, "Cliff April said," The guys started to look like "do you even believe what you're saying?" "

Naturally, this week Carroll was asked about his reaction to the story and what the players had to say about his coaching philosophies.

"Only, obviously, I did not do a very good job teaching, because one of the basic principles of our teaching is that we will not care about what happened." Says "And it's a discipline we're learning, and I have not taught it well enough. Whether you win or lose or whatever, you have to move on and leave things behind. So other than that, I do not care. "

Carroll was also asked if he noticed an animosity towards Wilson in the Seahawks locker room. Strangely, he referred to Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh, whose answers to senators' questions in his confirmation hearings this week attracted considerable attention.

"No, I do not even know what it would mean," Carroll said. "I'm going to look like Kavanaugh, I do not know."

The Seahawks have undergone many changes over the past year, with several long-time pillars such as April, Michael Bennett, Richard Sherman and Kam Chancellor, who have left the squad for one reason or another. They advance with Wilson and Doug Baldwin as the only members of the Super Bowl teams vying for long-term contracts (Earl Thomas has barely a year of contract and could leave the off season). to be interesting to see how the philosophy of the team evolves over the next few years.

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