Pete Davidson's first Instagram since breaking his social network is such a strange comeback


It's no secret that Pete Davidson deleted all his posts on Instagram on July 23, 2018. The comedian, engaged to singer Ariana Grande since June, has taken a step back from social media to devote himself to other parts of his life. But now, he's back on Instagram and in full swing. So what did he post? Pete Davidson's first Instagram since breaking with social media is pretty much reminiscent of why he hates so much internet and social media.

Davidson's post is a video that he filmed while leaving a building in New York City. The paparazzi are stationed in front of the door (the building is probably his building where he lives with Grande) and they photograph each of his movements. "Hey, how are you, how are you?" he sarcastically asks the photographers. "You look great, agree." And then, in response to a photographer asking him a question that I can not detect, he shouts, "Oh, welcome home!" at the top of his lungs.

He subtitled the message, "@nbcsnl next week f ck the internet tho … "Check it out:

Davidson's first post on Instagram is two months old after deleting all his messages and taking an indefinite break in social media. After removing all of his previous posts on July 23, Davidson took his Instagram Instagram decision to leave social media for a while.

"No, there is nothing wrong. Nothing has happened. No, there is nothing mysterious about anything. I do not want to be on Instagram anymore. Or on any social media platform, "said Davidson.

The decision to pause in social media surprised many of his fans, especially since he seemed very excited about sharing his love for Big on Instagram. But in his statement, Davidson explained that the Internet does not always make him "feel good" and that he does not want to focus his energy on something negative at the moment. "The internet is a bad place and it does not do me any good," said the comedian. "Why should I devote time to negative energy when my real life is on? The fact that I must even say it proves my point of view. I love you all and I'm sure I'll be back at some point. 🙂 your gogo neighborhood, Pete.

CBow Davidson is back on Instagram, but it does not seem that his opinion on the Internet and the "bad side" of social media have changed a bit. In fact, based on its promotion legend Saturday Night LiveThe return of Sunday, it seems in fact that the return of Davidson is simply to promote his show (it's his livelihood, after all).

Of course, his fans love that he's back.

But many fans are disappointed that the comedian did not bring all his old posts back to Instagram. (His last message is the only one on his timeline yet).

To be honest, given Pete's apparent disregard for social media, he may not be inclined to archive messages and that he actually erased all of his content when he left the Gram. Even if it would be a shame, it is rather authentic.

Anyway, based on Pete's sarcastic entry into the world of social media, I would not bet he publishes too much beyond promotional publications about his projects. But at this point, I'm grateful for everything!

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