Péter unicorn draws Elon Musk and the artist together, before firing


EVERGREEN, CO (KCNC / CNN) – A Colorado artist is known for his particular unicorn design, and he has attracted the attention of billionaire Tesla founder Elon Musk.

But what Musk did with this design does not pass the odor test artist.

The cause of the dispute? A cup with a unicorn farting.

"It's a drawing I'm doing since 2010," said artist Tom Edwards.

What started as a playful lash at electric cars – portraying them powered by unicorn farts – turned Edwards into a sensation on the internet.

"Ok, that's a natural bodily function," Edwards explained of the gas passage. "The unicorn pee in this container and then she crosses a rope and feeds the electric car."

Whimsical creation drew the attention of Musk, maker of electric cars.

He took to Twitter on the tooter

"He said it was probably his favorite cup ever," Edwards said.

Edwards added that the billionaire's tweet gave him a little boost in sales

"Well, you know, a farting unicorn is But a few months later, Edwards learned that Tesla was using a copy from his unicorn bottom to promote the new car operating system

"The straw that broke the camel's back. It was Christmas, they sent a Christmas greeting and there were my art works, "he said.

He therefore asked a lawyer to go to Tesla for compensation

. His daughter let him rip on Twitter, pulling on Musk.

"(She) said hey, how is it? You do not compensate my father? Edwards said.

Before deleting his answer, Musk called Edwards" a little lame "s. he chose to claim money.

Musk argued that he was the one who made the cups popular.But he said that he would stop using the unicorn if that's what Edwards wants

"This is not the point, the fact is that they've already used it and that's how the right of The author works "I do not know yet how much his lawyer will seek compensation.

The artist said that the only real solution to this problem is that Tesla gives him the compensation for this work.

As for his value, he said set value, now that Musk got a use value of one year.

He said that he just wanted to defend his craftsmanship.

"Les ritists really need to protect their work, "he said.

Many people now want to get their hands on one of the colorful cups that Edwards said were ordered until mid-July

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