Phew! NASA confirms Hubble Space Telescope is up and running again


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The Hubble Space Telescope resumed normal operations over the weekend, after a few terrifying weeks when it seemed that the mighty spaceship was about to collapse.

Hubble is reported offline on his Twitter account in early October and NASA explained that the craft had entered safe mode after one of three gyroscopes used to indicate and maintain the failed telescope had failed.

According to the space agency, the failed gyroscope had "displayed end-of-life behavior," which is not surprising given that Hubble was originally a 15-year mission and had been searching the Universe for over 28 years.

The Hubble Space Telescope. (Credit: NASA)NASA

An improved backup gyroscope would have had to seamlessly take over in case the original failed, but it initially refused to perform the operations "at a level required for operations" after having been off for 7.5 years. To get it back on, the Hubble technicians basically asked the camera to be agitated to avoid blocking the gyro, then turning it off and on again.

The strategy worked and Hubble returned to normal on Friday, October 26th. His first scientific observations, completed on Saturday, concerned the star-shaped DSF2237B-1-IR distant galaxy and were taken in infrared with the wide-field camera. 3 instrument.

Hubble's lifespan is now almost twice as high as predicted, and its successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, will be able to achieve feats that Hubble can only dream of. However, the powerful new spacecraft has experienced delays over the last 20 years and its launch date has been postponed again from May 2020 to March 2021.

The project has exceeded its budget several times and NASA now thinks that the final total will reach $ 8 billion. If this happens, the agency will have to request a new congressional authorization for the space telescope.

This may seem like an astronomical sum to pay for deepening our understanding of the Universe, but James Webb could potentially revolutionize this understanding by commenting on the closest moments after the Big Bang and examining in detail our solar system and exoplanets near. impossible until now.

However, in the meantime, scientists are still relying on time with observatories like Hubble to continue to unlock the mysteries of the universe.


The Hubble Space Telescope resumed normal operations over the weekend, after a few terrifying weeks when it seemed that the mighty spaceship was about to collapse.

Hubble is reported offline on his Twitter account in early October and NASA explained that the craft had entered safe mode after one of three gyroscopes used to indicate and maintain the failed telescope had failed.

According to the space agency, the failed gyroscope had "displayed end-of-life behavior," which is not surprising given that Hubble was originally a 15-year mission and had been searching the Universe for over 28 years.

The Hubble Space Telescope. (Credit: NASA)NASA

An improved backup gyroscope would have had to seamlessly take over in case the original failed, but it initially refused to perform the operations "at a level required for operations" after having been off for 7.5 years. To get it back on, the Hubble technicians basically asked the camera to be agitated to avoid blocking the gyro, then turning it off and on again.

The strategy worked and Hubble returned to normal on Friday, October 26th. His first scientific observations, completed on Saturday, concerned the star-shaped DSF2237B-1-IR distant galaxy and were taken in infrared with the wide-field camera. 3 instrument.

Hubble's lifespan is now almost twice as high as predicted, and its successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, will be able to achieve feats that Hubble can only dream of. However, the powerful new spacecraft has experienced delays over the last 20 years and its launch date has been postponed again from May 2020 to March 2021.

The project has exceeded its budget several times and NASA now thinks that the final total will reach $ 8 billion. If this happens, the agency will have to request a new congressional authorization for the space telescope.

This may seem like an astronomical sum to pay for deepening our understanding of the Universe, but James Webb could potentially revolutionize this understanding by commenting on the closest moments after the Big Bang and examining in detail our solar system and exoplanets near. impossible until now.

However, in the meantime, scientists are still relying on time with observatories like Hubble to continue to unlock the mysteries of the universe.

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