Phil bets $ 200,000 to Tiger on the first hole


The first of many bets in the match between Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson on Friday was set.

At the Tuesday afternoon press conference in Las Vegas, Lefty bet $ 100,000 that he would be holding a birdie at the first hole in Shadow Creek. Not surprisingly, Tiger raised the question by challenging Phil to double the bet. Phil responded to Tiger's challenge and committed to it.

"$ 100,000 says you have to hit that hole," Mickelson told Woods. "That's how I feel about this hole that starts in this game. You do not have to take it at all. "

But Tiger did not let Phil's encouragement stay indisputable without taking a few hits. After Mickelson reiterated his promise to birdie with the first tee on Friday afternoon, Tiger simply said, "Double it."

After Tiger's challenge, Phil mocked Tiger's competitiveness by saying, "Did you see how I bit him like that?" To the laughter response from the crowd.

Phil then accepted the raise bet before he and Tiger then discussed how the hole went for Mickelson. While Phil expressed his absolute confidence in his ability to play bird for the opening game on Friday, Tiger showed the slightest doubt that Phil could follow.

The back and forth between Tiger and Phil about their first lay-up earned the press conference participants many "oohs" and "aahs". Both golfers said later during the press conference that they would be willing to bet their own money of more than seven figures during the showdown.

It was expected that the secondary bets play an important role in The Match. Fans first discovered potential parallel bets last month when Phil pitched the idea in an interview with TNT during one of their NBA games.

"We are going to have some small challenges that may be getting into each other's heads," said Mickelson. "Do you have a downhill putt? I'll bet you 50G that you miss it.

"In the live competition, Woods and Mickelson will selectively run side-by-side challenges," Turner Sports said in a statement last month. For example, Woods or Mickelson could increase the stakes by challenging the other to compete during a game during a match, when they compete for a long ride or a similar race, the money being donated to the selected charity. by the golfer. . "

Well, the first of many side bets has been defined. The pleasure of playing is just beginning for Tiger v. Phil.

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