Phil Mickelson qualifies 2018 Ryder Cup as "almost unplayable" and "wasted time"


Phil Mickelson had two pretty wild weeks. After finishing 30th (or last) in the Tour Championship, he scored 0-2-0 at the Ryder Cup in Paris.

"I was not playing at my best level and I spent more time hitting balls throughout the week than during the year to try to find something that would make a difference. click, "said Mickelson Sunday. "It's just a struggle, last month was a struggle, and since I shot 63 times just before being selected, I fought."

So of course, he came out and shot 65 years in the first round of the Safeway Open Thursday after a transatlantic flight from Paris back to the United States. Interestingly, he also spoke to the Ryder Cup after the first round in Napa. After the fact, there was a lot of talk about the advantage that Europe was getting from playing on a narrow course strewn with roughness. They prepared it for their elite ball attackers and the bombers on the American side were in vain.

"The Europeans have done a good thing, they did the opposite of what we do when we have the Ryder Cup here," said Mickelson this week. "The fairways were 14 to 16 yards wide, Ben Hogan, who is the best all-time batter, had a margin of error of 5%, so if you hit the ball 300 yards, we let's hit it all more than that, you must have a fairway 30 meters wide to hit it. "

By the way, doing math in public without a safety net is always a pleasant experience.

"The fact is they had a brutal pass, almost unplayable, and that's not my way of playing, I do not play like that," said Mickelson. "And here (at the Safeway Open), I can miss the fairways, I can get shot on the green and it's playable, and I'm 48. I will not play in tournaments with roughs anymore." It's a waste of time, I'm going to play on fields that are playable and can be aggressive, strikers, make a lot of birdies, the style of golf I like to play. "

So this is it.

Overall, I am not sure that this is as serious as some people claim. It's no secret that Mickelson does not like courses like the ones we saw at Golf National. His game was in shambles when he arrived there, but when he was chosen, he had just won a 63 at the Dell Technologies Championship. Jim Furyk was he supposed not to choose? Mickelson was he supposed to say: well, you know I'm on fire right now but I do not like courses like The National Golf as I think it could possibly be organized, so go y with Alex?

It would have been a kind of move all the time, but I would never expect Mickelson or Furyk to do it. We are talking about one of the 12 best players ever to win his first Ryder Cup in Europe in his last try. There is no chance that he will go quietly.

So, even though these comments do not seem very interesting at the beginning, I'm not sure that we have learned much except that the euros are rude and devilish people who will do everything in their power to thwart this. that the Americans are doing better (which, at this point, I'm not sure what that is).

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