Philadelphia 76ers apologize after Bob Muscala's offensive tweets


The Philadelphia 76ers found themselves in the middle of another blunder on social networks on Saturday. Only this time, it was their new CEO who apologized for the posts published by the father of one of their players.

In a statement released Saturday afternoon, general manager Elton Brand revealed "inappropriate and offensive remarks by Bob Muscala on social networks," the father of striker Mike Muscala.

Bob Muscala was running a burner account on Twitter under the name "MuskieBobber", confirmed a team source at Philly Voice and ESPN. Among the past tweets made by the account, racist messages were used to criticize Jimmy Butler's situation with the Minnesota Timberwolves.

"In simple terms, they are unacceptable and in no way reflect the beliefs of our organization," Brand said about the tweets.

The account has since been deleted.

Mike Muscala, who had been acquired after spending five seasons with the Hawks' organization during the off-season, had apologized for his father's positions.

"His comments were unjustified and inappropriate, and they do not reflect who I am," said Muscala, who also applauded the "professionalism and support shown by Elton, coach (Brett) Brown, my teammates and all the organization of the 76ers "while occupying with the situation.

Philadelphia hired Brand as the new general manager last month, a decision made necessary by Bryan Colangelo's resignation in June, after his wife admitted to exploiting Twitter accounts that criticized team members and backed her. husband.

"This situation also reminds our players, our coaches and our staff of the potential impact, both positive and negative, of social media," Brand said. "We will use this situation to review, monitor and discuss the appropriate use of social media in all areas of our organization."

Ian Begley of ESPN contributed to this report.

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