Philadelphia composer wins $ 44 million in costume against Usher Song


A Philadelphia songwriter who claims to have been deprived of music recorded by R & B star Usher received more than $ 44 million in damages in a lawsuit against other co-authors of the title.

Last week, a jury awarded the sum to Daniel Marino. His former co-author, William Guice, was ordered to pay $ 6.75 million in compensatory damages and $ 20.25 million in punitive damages.

Also last week, Destro Music Productions, owned by co-defendant Dante Barton, agreed to pay $ 17.35 million to Marino. This brings its total price to $ 44.35 million.

The suit stems from Marino's work on a song called "Club Girl". Marino says he created most of the song, including his guitar hook, tempo, and chord progression.

The song was recorded by Usher in 2004 and renamed "Bad Girl".

Usher was not named in the suit.

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