Philippy claims that James Franco physically assaulted her on the Freaks and Geeks set


Busy, James Franco

Matt Baron / REX / Shutterstock and Andrew H. Walker / Variety / REX / Shutterstock

Busy Philipps claims in his new book It will only hurt a little that his co-star James Franco physically assaulted her on the set of Freaks and Geeks.

Philipps has referred to this incident in the past, including in 2011 at a Paley Fest panel, but she has now deepened her relationship about their relationship from top to bottom. Philipps played Kim Kelly, the girlfriend of Daniel Desario (played by Franco), and she refers to Franco in his memory as "a brutal tyrant" on the set of Freaks and Geeks. "It was as if during the summer he had read Easy Riders, Raging Bull or something like that and had decided that the only way to be taken seriously was to be a picnic. "

She then writes about when Franco has "thrown" her to the floor. During one day of filming, Franco apparently "continued to take" his lines, which made them visibly frustrated one by the other. "It's not as if I had much in the series, "she writes. I wanted my first line.

They then filmed a scene where she, Franco and Seth Rogen (who played Ken Miller) had to run after a car from a rival school that was throwing balloons at them. What had preceded him to throw her down was another physical gesture apparently impelled by the director. She describes the scene: "The director asked me to kick James in the chest as we ran after the car and said my reply."

Philipps describes what happened next. James did not say his reply in reply, instead he took me both arms and shouted at me: "NEVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!" " And he threw me to the ground. "

She states that she had the "stunned wind" of her. "Immediately, I could feel the pungent and burning tears, but I tried like a heck to hold them back."

After re-shooting the scene, Philipps explains that she ran to Linda Cardellinithe trailer and "dramatically sobbed". the Cougar Town Star was waiting for Franco to be reprimanded, but apparently, everything he had "was barely a slap on the wrist".

She explains why she thinks that he has not been punished further for pushing her. "It's like that a boys' club works," she writes.

After the incident, according to Philipps, Franco apologized the next day for what had happened. "He smiled on me and hugged me," she notes. "And I do not need to tell you that, but James is a movie star, he was horrible to me, yes, but he's also gorgeous and charming like hell." where lies the manipulation. "

Busy Philipps, James Franco, Freaks and Geeks

NBCU Photo Bank

Before Philipps and Franco had their altercation, she had to slap him during the filming of another episode titled "Kim Kelly Is My Friend". She writes: "James insisted I hit him as hard as I could when the characters fought in the end, I slapped him repeatedly, so hard that his skin turned bright red, I felt really It was strange to do it, but at the same time, he asked me to do it, so I went … it did not seem good to me, but what did I know, really? "

Philipps also explains that she did not think of being a good actor, which put her "in insecurity". She recalls: "He treated me as if I were unimportant, barely there."

In 2008, The sinister artist star addressed his Freaks and Geeks relationship with Philipps during an interview with GQ. He said that he believed comrade Jason Segal, who was dating Cardellini at the time of filming, "took [Philipps’] aside and thought I was a fool. "

"I have to admit that I was not a team player.A lot of it, I think, comes from being obnoxious when the camera is on someone else's." Maybe I would eat a banana in the background Do not focus on the other actors, I did not think of it that way, but I could now say, "Listen, the scene Do not worry about me, it's up to them, relax, James, do not eat f … banana king. "

E! News has contacted the Franco team for comments.

It will only hurt a little arrives in bookstores on October 16th.

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