Phish prank lovers with the Scandinavian progressive rock band "cover"


Phish fans got this Halloween when the legendary jam group continued its holiday tradition covering a classic album. During the group's concert at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, they played "i rokk", the only album of a progressive rock band called Scandinavian Kasvot Vaxt – far from their album covers. Artists such as the Beatles, the Who and the Velvet Underground.

Kasvot Vaxt has an artist page on AllMusic, where she is described as "obscure even in the obscure realms of Scandinavian prog rock". The page goes on, "Kasvot Växt released a single album in the early 1980s before sinking into the myth, this album called" í rokk ", released on a label so small that it was not a big hit. was acting mainly from a private press. " The members of the group would have met while participating in a scientific research project.

But it seems like all this was an elaborate hoax – a phishing scam, if you will. Kasvot Vaxt does not really exist.

Phish also left Easter eggs about Kasvot Vaxt on Perfect Sound Forever and a blog post on the WFMU radio station's website. They even added Kasvot Vaxt songs to WFMU's archived playlists. It's unclear when or how Phish dropped the clues.

The good news, of course, is that Phish fans have been treated with original songs by the band.

This is not the first time the band has moved away from its Halloween tradition, which began in 1994. In 2003, Phish made his debut in the music of an album to come up.

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