Phoenix Suns' Devin Booker scores 19 points in the fourth quarter


PHOENIX – At a party expected to have about two starts as a rookie, it's a comeback that stole the show on Wednesday in Phoenix.

Devin Booker, who was coming back from a broken hand in the late summer, got rid of early rust to show off his star potential and the reason the Suns forced him to a contract of up to five years in July.

"Everyday in the summer, I have worked hard for this day, for this season," said Booker. "I knew now that the organization was there for us, it was going to be very special, and with my contract too, it's going to be a big year for me."

Booker, who is only 21 years old, was in fusion with molten lava in the fourth quarter, scoring 19 times – out of 6 shots out of 6, including 4 out of 4 out of 3 – on his 35 points in the last quarter. as the Suns moved away late against the Mavericks, 121-100. Booker's 35 points are the most significant points for a Suns player since the start of the season as Kevin Johnson was 39 in 1995.

"You're right in this zone, man, you're trying to win the match," said Booker. "My idea this year to get the most wins and participate in the playoffs, we owe it to this city.The drought has been long for these fans.I know it gives me a lot of responsibilities."

Booker even heard some MVP singing while he was shooting free throws in the fourth quarter, although appreciated, it was maybe a bit too much.

"I heard them, man," he said. "It's love, man, but I would not take it that far, we still have to win a lot of games to do that."

Choice # 1, Deandre Ayton, said Wednesday that her goal for her first professional game was to win the first board and then take it back. He tried to normalize the day as much as he could, planning a simple routine that included a nap, a conversation with his Rocky husky, and playing the NBA 2K as Suns vs. Mavs.

He stated that he had closed the game at halftime because he was losing, and that he had also lost the first tip against DeAndre Jordan. But no panic, he was solid in his debut, scoring 18 points on 8 shots out of 11, with 10 rebounds and 6 assists, and a real win.

"I watched it all summer, I knew it was special," said Booker about Ayton. "I think people are always nervous about playing their first game, it's usually three balls on the field and then it comes back to basketball, if you're as talented and you have the abilities." that he has, the game comes to you. "

Ayton is the third player in the history of the Suns to record a double-double in his debut, joining Alvan Adams and Shawn Marion.

Third overall and favorite choice Rookie of the Year Luka Doncic had some great moments, mostly in the first half, where he unveiled his talent and flair with an unscrupulous lob at DeAndre Jordan, then a smooth pass behind Jordan's back for a dunk. Doncic (10 points out of 5 shots out of 16, 0 out of 5 out of 3) struggled to shoot the ball and was a bit lost in the match at the end of the match, but his feeling and comfort with the game was in full screen.

"I would say better play," said Doncic, assessing how he played. "For me, I will play better."

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