Phoenix Suns surprise boy after no one shows up to his birthday party


TUCSON, Ariz. — The Phoenix Suns stepped up to help a heartbroken Arizona boy after his mother posted a photo of her son alone at his birthday pizza party, according to KPHO.

Over the weekend, Sil Mazzini said she invited over 30 children from Teddy’s school to attend his birthday party at Peter Piper Pizza in Tucson.

The table was filled with pizza and drinks, but his fellow classmates did not show, Mazzini said.

She posted a photo of Teddy on social media asking others to send him love on his birthday so he wouldn’t feel so sad.

When the NBA’s Phoenix Suns saw the photo, they decided to brighten Teddy’s day, tweeting, “How about we celebrate with thousands at our place!”

The Suns invited 6-year-old Teddy to watch Wednesday’s game against the Lakers. According to KPHO, the Suns have a special surprise for him, as well as tickets to the Phoenix Rising game Friday.

Teddy’s mom said it will be his first time watching a game.

“We are super excited,” Mazzini said.


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