Physicians stand up to NRA authorities to tell them to "stay in their hallway"


Earlier this week, the National Rifle Association published a tweet that criticized doctors for supporting gun control and advising them to "stay in their lane". Now doctors are pushing back on Twitter.

"Someone should tell the important anti-gun doctors to stay in their hallway," said the president. The NRA wrote in his tweet Wednesday. "Half of the articles in Annals of Internal Medicine insist on gun control, however, the most upsetting, the medical community seems to have consulted with anyone other than himself."

Since the NRA published this tweet, health professionals have been consulting Twitter to inform the powerful gun lobby that #ThisIsOurLane.

The medical community's outcry against the NRA's tweet is not limited to the hashtag #ThisIsOurLane. The common theme was that these physicians must deal regularly with the victims of gun violence and are therefore fully qualified, both professionally and morally, to support gun control legislation.

Judy Melinek, a San Francisco-based forensic pathologist, was interviewed by The Guardian about a tweet that she posted denouncing the NRA's stance that doctors must stop talking about gun control fire.

"I was so angry," Melinek explained. "I was so angry, hence the foul language, I found myself at work for a case involving a gunshot wound, I had another one earlier this week." And I j & # 39; 39 was so angry that anyone would want to put a doctor on trial every single day to try to save people's lives. "

She went on to say, "We are not opposed to the second amendment, we are not opposed to research, research efforts, or funding for research into what can be used to prevent gun violence. death, that it is the trigger, safety, training or the idea of ​​requiring insurance and asking people to take out insurance in case their weapon would used to kill someone else.We need to do some research and have the necessary data to back them up, and nothing is happening now.

The abstract of the article from the American College of Physicians that has angered the NRA has clearly demonstrated that it addresses the issue of gun violence as a problem public health.

"In the United States, the violence caused by firearms remains a public health crisis that requires the immediate attention of the nation," says the summary. "ACP countries worry not only about the alarming number of mass shootings in the United States, but also about the daily number of firearm-related violence in neighborhoods, homes, workplaces and places. The policy recommendations in this document build on and reinforce and develop the current ACP policies approved by the Board of Regents in April 2014 and are based on an analysis of approaches that the evidence suggests will be effective in reducing the number of firearm-related deaths and injuries, reducing the number of firearm-related injuries and deaths in the United States, and once again calling on its non-member physicians, non-physicist clinicians, policy makers and the general public to take action to address this important problem. "

Matthew Rozsa

Matthew Rozsa is an author of breaking news for Salon. He holds a Masters degree in History from Rutgers University-Newark and holds a Ph.D. in History from Lehigh University. His work has been published in Mic, Quartz and MSNBC.
Matthew Rozsa

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