Piece of moon fell on the ground $ 600,000 auction


A lunar meteorite considered to be one of the largest ever found was sold by a Boston auction house

The lunar meteorite NWA 11789, composed of six fragments that fit together.
Photography: Mike Segar / Reuters

Part of the moon that fell on Earth as a lunar meteorite was auctioned for more than $ 600,000.
The Boston-based Boston-based RR announced that its winning bid, valued at $ 612,500, for the meteorite, consisting of six fragments put together in a puzzle, came from a representative of the Tam Chuc pagoda in Ha Nam province, Vietnam.
The meteorite is available in six pieces that fit together, weighing a total of about 5 kg and is known as NWA 11789, and unofficially known as "The Moon Puzzle".

The auction house predicted that it would reach $ 500,000 at auction.
The meteorite was discovered last year in a remote region of Mauritania, northwestern Africa. But experts believe that the soil may have plunged to Earth thousands of years ago.
It is considered one of the most important lunar meteorites ever discovered because of its large size and its "partial melting crust" caused by the enormous heat that tears the rock when it falls to Earth.

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