Pierce County Sheriff's Department Arrest Robbery After Shooting With MPs


Officials believe that the incident began with a robbery. The suspect, armed with rifles and wearing a protective vest, fired several shots at MPs for two hours before he was shot and taken into custody.

Pierce County sheriff's department says heavily armed suspect who barricaded himself in Parkland car park after botched robbery is in custody after firing shots with MPs .

The man was injured, apparently shot, but we did not know how bad he was. Officials say he had rifles and bulletproof vests. Earlier in the night, he took at least one hostage and shot several MPs. No member of the security forces was injured.

Sheriff Paul Pastor said the man had apparently tried to rob a company on Pacific Avenue South, but had gone out empty. He then went to the nearby car dealership Sky Motors, where he took five people hostage. All were able to escape or were saved.

The pastor said that the man was "not cooperative" when MPs and negotiators tried to convince him to surrender, and he was shot dead by a deputy. The bullet apparently hit the man's protective vest. Pastor said that he would be taken to the hospital to be checked and then registered in Pierce County Jail.

"A man was shot and pulled out," said the pastor. "Fortunately, he survived that, I guess he's going to have a serious bruise tomorrow morning."

The last hostage was rescued about an hour after the incident began around 7:30 pm, and a SWAT team and negotiators responded to the scene. Troyer said the man had several guns, including rifles.

Troyer said the situation "could have been much worse for him, could have been worse for our MPs, he was definitely trying to hit them".

Troyer testified that the scene was right across from the Saarland market on South Pacific Avenue and that, due to shooting threats, customers and employees were invited to shelter until MPs escort them.

Tyler Hoffart, market director Sarrs, said nearly 20 clients and employees remained locked in the store during the meeting, but did not hear or see the altercation.

The sheriff's office first posted on social media that the situation was extremely dangerous – "hot and active" – ​​and that all traffic lanes were closed between 132nd and 138th streets and South Pacific Avenue. Sheriff Paul Pastor told reporters at the scene that the incident seems to have started with a flight that went wrong.

Traffic along Pacific Avenue South was scheduled to remain closed for several hours on Thursday night.

Employees from neighboring companies said they saw a strong police presence and the street was blocked. "We saw, my god, I do not know, 20 police cars drive," said Matthew Holland, a manager at a street bar, Lady Luck Cowgirl Up. "We have not heard any shots but we have the football game at the bar."

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