Pinkie swollen woman was a rare sign of tuberculosis


A swollen finger is often the symptom of a simple sprain, but for a Californian woman, swollen rosé was a rare sign of tuberculosis, according to a new report.

The 42-year-old woman went to the doctor after a week of swelling and pink finger pain. However, according to the report of the doctors at the University of California in San Francisco, she did not hurt her finger at all.


An X-ray and CT scan showed soft tissue swelling of his finger, but no problem with his bones. (Soft tissues include muscles, tendons, and skin.) [27 Oddest Medical Cases]

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When the doctors performed a biopsy of the woman's skin tissue, they found Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, bacteria responsible for tuberculosis.

According to the report, the woman was suffering from lupus and taking medication to suppress her immune system, making her more vulnerable to infectious diseases, including tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis bacteria spread in the air and usually affect the lungs. But according to the Mayo Clinic, bacteria can potentially infect any part of the body, including the kidneys, spine and brain.

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Finger Infection "is a rare extrapulmonary [outside the lungs] Tuberculosis, "the authors wrote in the report, which was published online Sept. 19 in the New England Journal of Medicine.Always, this diagnosis is important to consider in people with weakened immune systems, they said.

But how exactly did the patient contract the disease? An investigation highlighted the husband of the woman, who recently traveled to China and developed a cough. He was then diagnosed with active tuberculosis.

The woman has been treated with several anti-TB drugs for nine months and her symptoms have completely disappeared, according to the report.

Original article on Live Science.

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