Pipeline dumps 8,000 gallons of jet fuel into Indiana river


DECATUR, Ind. – A Texas company says one of its pipelines has more than 8,000 gallons of jet fuel in a river in the northeastern Indiana city of Decatur.

Houston-based Buckeye Pipe Line says it immediately shut down the line Friday evening when it detected a pressure problem.

The fuel spilled into the St. Marys River in Decatur, a community of about 9,500 people roughly 100 miles northeast of Indianapolis.

Local officials say they have been placed in the river to contain the fuel, which was being vacuumed off the water's surface.

Decatur Mayor Kenneth L. Meyer says the cleanup could take weeks.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says it is monitoring the local area. The EPA said it is also monitoring water quality at several locations downstream.

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