Pirate FM – News – Cornwall monkey smallpox case investigation




Emma Carton at 7:54 on September 14, 2018.

(Updated at 7:56 on September 14, 2018)

The first confirmed case was a patient visiting a Duchy naval base and traveling from Nigeria.

Monkey pox is normally spreading from animals to humans and cases have been reported in 26 of the country's 36 states.

the monkey
Two cases of monkey pox have been confirmed in the United Kingdom, including one in Cornwall, and Nigeria has launched an investigation

Since the re-emergence of monkey pox in Nigeria in September 2017, NCDC has continued to receive reports and respond to cases of the disease from the country's states.

"Between September 2017, at the beginning of the epidemic and August 31, 2018, 262 suspected cases had been reported in 26 states.

Of these, 113 were confirmed in 16 states with seven deaths, with the highest number reported in states in the South-South region of Nigeria.

After the recent report of the two cases in the UK, NCDC is working with the UK public health agency, Public Health England (PHE), the public health departments of affected states and other partners in Nigeria to investigate these. case.

"The NCDC has also worked closely with the country's states to strengthen surveillance, detection and response to monkey smallpox cases."

Nigerian Center for Disease Control

Public Health England says that there is no UK link between the patient diagnosed in Cornwall, who is currently receiving care at the Royal Free in London and the second case in Lancashire.

"We know that in September 2017, Nigeria experienced a large outbreak of monkey pox, and since then sporadic cases have continued to be reported.

"It is likely that monkey pox continues to circulate in Nigeria and could therefore affect travelers returning from this part of the world.

However, it is very unusual to see two cases in a relatively short period of time.

"We are working hard to contact people, including health care workers, who may have been in contact with the individual to provide information and health advice."

Dr. Nick Phin, Deputy Director, National Infection Service at Public Health England

What do we know about monkey pox?

The first symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph nodes, chills and exhaustion.

A rash can develop, often starting on the face, then spreading to other parts of the body. The eruption changes and goes through different stages before forming a crust that then falls.

Some people, however, can be seriously ill. According to studies, up to 10% of people infected in Africa have died.

There is currently no approved treatment for monkey pox, although health officials say the smallpox vaccine is supposed to immunize against the disease.

"We treat a patient who has been tested positive for monkeypox.The patient is cared for by our specialized infectious and tropical diseases unit, by a highly qualified staff and experienced in the treatment of various infectious diseases.

"All necessary precautions are taken by the specialized staff and there is currently no risk for other staff members, patients or visitors.

"We ask that people continue to use our services normally and that people come to our emergency service only if their condition is serious and / or an emergency."

Dr. Mike Beadsworth, Clinical Director of the Tropical and Infectious Diseases Unit

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