With 15 seconds remaining and the Cincinnati Bengals in front of the Pittsburgh Steelers 21-20 on Sunday at Paul Brown Stadium, Steelers catcher Antonio Brown cut behind teammate Justin Hunter and caught a short pass from Ben Roethlisberger who it's turned into a blank match. – 31-yard touchdown win.

So, with the game in play, how did Brown become so open to the winner?

The Bengals cornerback, Tony McRae, was lined up directly on Hunter's face in the slot when Brown came into motion near Hunter. After the shooting, Brown immediately entered the interior of Hunter, who kept McRae locked in a block allowing him to fly out in the open.

This sequence of events was a big topic of discussion after the match.

"Yes, they are good," said Bengals defender Carlos Dunlap. "They are good at running picks, etc., and we let them do it again."

This is a common tactic in the NFL to try to create space for large receivers by crossing the median traffic.

The NFL rule book states: "It is a pass intervention by either team when an act committed by a player located more than one meter away melee largely prevents an eligible player from catching the ball. "

Hunter started blocking McRae one meter beyond the line of scrimmage, but the replay shows that Hunter continues his lower block on the field when the ball is in the air, and the NFL rules book goes on to say that "Blocking more than one meter beyond the A melee by an offensive player before a pass is thrown is an offensive pass interference.

"It is also an interference on the part of the offense to block a defender beyond the line as long as the pass is in the air if the blocking occurs near the player to whom the pass is thrown. . "

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Jessie Bates, the safety of the Bengals, said: "They chose the nickel player.It was pretty much like a screen game.This was at zero," the Bengals organizing a blitz thoroughly.

If a penalty had been called, it would not only have canceled the touchdown, but would have also pushed the Steelers to the edge of the range.

The Bengals head coach, Marvin Lewis, said that he could not say whether McRae had been chosen illegally or not.

"I can not tell you," said Lewis. "The focus on the game is to scrub the guy to the line of scrimmage, whether or not it happened on this game, I'm not sure."

The Bengals cornerback, Dr. Kirkpatrick, was not in the mood to find excuses.

"We lost, I do not think he was chosen, I saw him," Kirkpatrick said.

Roethlisberger said he had acknowledged that the Bengals were holding a home blitz and offered no media coverage.

"I knew they were void (blanket)," said Roethlisberger, "and it was in my head that this could be a hit." In the worst case, we're moving the chains and getting a few yards but there is a very good chance, he will score on this game, as long as I do my part and I shoot him.

"Everyone was great … Justin Hunter was a guy over there … it was a huge game from him, running around there and cleaning up for (Brown)."

For the Bengals, Clayton Fejedelem said that because Pittsburgh was already in the end zone, "you can not play for the goals anymore, you have to play for the win, and when you play for that, your hand is at it. you call it so: they knew we were in a zero, that's what it is.

"We needed a pick, a forced groping, we needed something.

"It was a huge road of friction, what are you going to do, let's hope you save them and get them out of the goal field and stop there, but with hindsight."

Fejedelem said, "It depends on who's playing the game." It can go both ways, it's the thing about these calls, they may say it's unintentional or otherwise, but it's a mistake. . "


The writers of The Bengals Beat of the Enquirer meet C.J. Uzomah and talk about football and Bengals during this week's episode of Beyond the Stripes.
Kareem Elgazzar, [email protected]

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