"Plaid Shirt Guy" says he was detained after Trump's rally


The "plaid shirt guy", who became viral for his facial expressions at President Trump's rally in Montana, said on Thursday that he had been asked by the secret services not to be enthusiastic enough.

On Thursday, Tyler Linfesty stood behind Trump, at the sight of many cameras, and listened to the president's speech on various topics, including tax reform and the media. However, the high school student is distinguished by his animated facial expressions, which range from confused to skepticism. He quickly turned into a meme and earned him the name of "guy in the plaid shirt".

Linsfesty told CNN's Don Lemon that he was in fact a Democratic Socialist and that he had signed up to go to the rally a week ago with his three friends because he wanted to go see the president and hear what he had to say.

"I will not miss the chance to see the President of the United States," he told Lemon.

Linfesty told the local newspaper the Billings gazette that he discovered that morning that he had been chosen to attend the rally and meet with the president. He contacted the president's campaign and asked to reserve seats for his friends.

He said that he and his friends had no agenda and were open-minded before attending.

"I did not really have a plan," Linfesty said. gazette. "I was just going to applaud things with which I agree and do not applaud things I did not agree with."

Linfesty told Lemon CNN that all his facial expressions were honest.

"All these reactions were my real reactions," he said. "I would like to do those faces if someone had to tell me. I did not try to protest, it was just my real reactions and honest.

Linfesty admitted that he always wondered about the authenticity of people at Trump rallies.

"Every time I see one of these gatherings, I see someone who applauds, applauds and is super enthusiastic, and I always wondered if these people were really authentic," he told Lemon. "So when I got back there, I knew that I was going to be really sincere and that I was really reacting to the things that he was saying then when I was not in agreement with him, I could say that I did not agree. "

Linfesty said two points of discussion he could agree on were when Trump opposed NAFTA and said the 2016 primary election was stolen from Bernie Sanders. Where Linfesty did not find common ground was with Trumps' tax plan, which he says benefits the top 1% and not the middle class.

According to gazetteOne of his reporters saw Trump staff members look at a picture of Linfesty and the Socialist Democrat emblem of America he was wearing before sending Linfesty and his friends home.

"I saw this woman walking towards me on the left," Linfesty told the newspaper. "She just told me," I will replace you. "

Before going to the rally, he said, they had to be enthusiastic and tried to get him to wear the president's famous MAGA hat, which he refused.

Once he and his two friends were replaced on stage, he said that he had been escorted by secret services to a room where they looked at his ID card and after 10 minutes he was telling him said he could leave. He said that the secret services and the police had treated him with respect.

"They treated me well," he told the Gazette. "They just told me not to come back."

Linfesty told CNN that he still can not believe his new fame

"It's amazing, I can not understand it," he told CNN's Citron. "The last 24 hours have been crazy, people in school recognize me as the" guy in the plaid shirt "."

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