Players meet IRL when one of them falls into terminal phase


Six players online finally met in real life, but in tragic circumstances, after one of their group became ill terminally ill [VIDEO]. Known as Joe, the 23-year-old was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma – a rare type of cancerous tumor that grows in bones or soft tissues around bones. Because of their close friendship online, his friends are now at his bedside in the hospice where he is looked after.

According to an article in Lad Bible, the story came out after the publication of a moving image of these images on Reddit. David Miller of New Brunswick, Canada felt compelled to share the picture after meeting his friends online and Joe.

Players forge a close friendship

Miller told the BBC that the group play virtually everything online. He said that they played [VIDEO] almost all the time, but if they did not play, they would go out online to talk about almost everything.

David said the the players had an idea that they would eventually meet, but because of the nature of the situation with Joe, they realized that their time was limited and that they had to schedule the meeting sooner after learning that Joe diagnostic this summer.

After years of playing Games together online, the picture shows them meeting in person around Joe's bedside in a New Jersey hospice.

Joe is currently receiving Cancer treatment after diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma. Despite the tragic circumstances that brought them together, the image sends a comforting message of a friendship forged online while playing games.

Players dreamed to meet in person

Miller told the BBC that they knew that they had to do it for Joe, hanging out as they did a thousand times before. He said that meant everything to everyone, but especially to Joe himself. Admitting that there were tears, he said that they had dreamed of six the players meet from the start and he said it was incredible that this dream came true.

Regarding the Reddit community, they fully supported the shared message in the picture. Some users described the meeting as "so special", while others said it was incredible. The picture was vote on Reddit 150,000 times.

While many say the players waste their time playing online, a Reddit user pointed out that The game forge tight communities and this is clear from the story of Joe and his friends.

It is tragic that friends have come together under such sad circumstances, but it does reveal the friendships that can be forged in the community of players. He shows that the game is not as anti-social as many people think.

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