Pluto is really a planet, say scientists who have clearly received my letters


In 2006, the wet blankets of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) downgraded Pluto – that cute, cold rock ball into the Kuiper belt – from an ordinary planet to a dwarf planet, upsetting everyone. knowledge of our solar system. According to CNN, some brave scientists intuited the things I had written in my many angry and unanswered letters, and cried to my therapist, claiming that Pluto should never have been downgraded. We know!!

UAI downgraded Pluto's status 12 years ago because it only meets two of the three criteria of what makes a planet:

1. It is a celestial body that revolves around the Sun,

2. it has enough mass to take a round or almost round shape, and

3. It "erases the neighborhood" around its orbit.

Although Pluto is round and revolves around the Sun, the AIU argued that it was too small to "clear the neighborhood" by knocking the rocks out of its way.

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "A new study published in the scientific journal Icarushowever, says that this justification is neither current nor useful. "data-reactid =" 24 "> A new study published in the scientific journal Icarushowever, says that this justification is neither current nor useful.

Philip Metzger, a global scientist at the University of Central Florida who is the lead author of the study, says planets should be sized according to their size, so that gravity turns them into spheres.

"And it's not an arbitrary definition," he said. "It turns out that it's an important step in the evolution of a planetary body, because apparently, when that happens, it initiates an active geology into the body."

Exactly. Metzger also said that the only planet more complex than Pluto is the Earth, which is pretty cool, and that Pluto has methane ice dunes, methane snow-covered mountains, and maybe a sea of ​​ice underwater. marine.

Maybe today, after 12 years, IAU scientists will stop ruining my life and give Pluto the status it deserves. Thank you.

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