PM Update: Rain has taken over, moderate to heavy at times


9:00 p.m. update: Rain overtook the area in the period around sunset, and it's been steady with waves of heavier precipitation embedded since. Totals are running about a quarter to a half an inch so far. The heaviest is likely to come back in the day as well as to the storm. Although rain is likely to be a problem, the risk of exposure is likely to continue in the wake of the surface system.

From earlier …

We suspected the northern edge of the rain may be slow to advance initially, but it ended up even slower than expected. Despite this, the day certainly had the feel of waiting for a storm to begin. Gray and more low-spirited people are reaching out to the upper 40s and lower 50s to give us a preview of the season to come. Rain is starting to spread through parts of the area, and it will continue to overtake the rest of us.

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Through Tonight: Although the rain has been slow to advance, it should be a case of it going from little to a ripping rainstorm. If it has not overtaken your town by sunset, it will be so soon thereafter. We see moderate to heavy rain on the evening and overnight. Rain should tend to type in the morning but it could take a while until it ends. Lows range across the 40s, but a gusty breeze makes it feel even colder.

View the current weather at The Washington Post.

Tomorrow (Saturday): Rain is the tapering in the morning, but we have a lot of things to do with it. In midwinter, these are the bands that make up with ridiculous snowfall totals. If you excite yourself, you can find the numbers nearing or even surpassing two inches in ridiculous spots. There should be a swath of about 1.5 inches as well, perhaps a little less or more depending on location. Very wet no matter how you think of it. How 2018 … One way or another, you can get in touch with the weather, as you get into the 50s and wind down the north blows around 10 mph.

Sunday: A fast-moving clipper system is on the heels of this storm, but we should have a better window of opportunity than the Marine Corps Marathon. Sunday could be rather passable on the whole, with what hopefully ends up in a sunny conditions. Highs are in the mid-50s to around 60's.

Red sky at morning we awaited the nor'easter on Friday. (Michael Coffman via Flickr)

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