Podcast: the Quantum network to test unshakable communications


David Awschalom from Awschalom Group

In this Big Brains podcast, David Awschalom describes how he contributes to the formation of a new generation of quantum engineers.

The behavior of these tiny pieces is unlike anything we see in our world, "said Awschalom. "If I pull a cart, you know how it will move. But in the atomic world, things do not work that way. Wagons can cross the walls; Cars can be tangled and share information that is difficult to separate. "

Supported by DOE, the quantum network will expand between Argonne and Fermi National Accelerator Lab, a connection that is expected to be among the longest in the world to send secure information through quantum physics. The experiment will "teleport" information over a distance of 30 miles, the particles instantly altering their quantum states rather than moving between two points.

This project launches the construction of a communication network based on quantum states of matter, providing a fundamentally new way to create and send information securely, "said David Awschalom, scientist of the Argonne and Professor of Molecular Engineering at the Liew Family of the University of Chicago. who is the principal investigator of the project. "We will build a national test bench to develop the science of quantum systems engineering and explore the properties of quantum entanglement, a phenomenon that fascinates scientists and the general public."

Professor David Awschalom is one of the world's leading scientists in spintronics and quantum information engineering. His research focuses on understanding and controlling the rotation of electrons, ions and nuclei in fundamental studies of quantum systems, as well as potential applications in computer science. , in imaging and encryption. His group explores optical and magnetic interactions in quantum semiconductor structures, spin dynamics and coherence in condensed matter systems, macroscopic quantum phenomena in nanoscale magnets, and processing implementations. from quantum information to the solid state. He has developed a variety of femtosecond-resolved spatio-temporal spectroscopies and micromagnetic sensing techniques to explore charge and spin motion in the quantum domain. These measurements resulted in the discovery of a robust electronic spin coherence, consistent state transport and Hall Hall effect in semiconductors.

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