Poking fun at a patriot: SNL mocks at Navy SEAL's injury | Editorials


A neighbor was furious that an actor on NBC 's Saturday Night Live program used a military veteran' s war injury in an attempt to get a laugh. She was also upset, she said, no one will care.

From what we have heard and read, we think our neighbor is wrong. A lot of Americans still get up when a punk tries to poke fun at a patriot.

The patriot is Dan Crenshaw, a candidate for Congress in Texas. He was a Navy SEAL serving in Afghanistan when he lost his eye to an explosive device. He now wears an eye patch, which the SNL snobs apparently find funny.

We liked Crenshaw's response, including him saying, "I want to get away from this culture when we ask for apologies for every time we misspeaks. I think that would be very healthy for our nation, to go in that direction. "

"But I would like to see him on Saturday Night Live to recognize something. Which is likely that they will not be able to do so, but they are likely to have a bad punch for a bad joke. And here's the real atrocity in all this: it was not even funny. "

We will not give the punk actor more publicity by naming him. But we do like Crenshaw's suggestion that the SNL crew and the offender "maybe pull their money together and donate it to some veterans charities out there who could really use some help."

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