Police: 3 dead, shooter included, at the Florida Yoga Studio


An armed man killed two people and wounded five others in a yoga studio in the Florida capital before killing himself on Friday night, officials said.

Tallahassee police chief Michael DeLeo told reporters on Friday night that the man had killed six people and whipped another pistol after entering the studio, which is part of a small shopping center in the city. Tallahassee.

The suspect then shot himself in the skin, DeLeo said. Authorities did not identify the gunman or the victims. The conditions of the other victims are not clear.

DeLeo said the police are asking anyone who saw anything unusual at the time of the shooting to contact the police. He added that the shooter had acted alone and that the authorities were investigating the possible motives. He refused to say what kind of weapon the shooter had.

"We are all very saddened and shocked by the events that have occurred, but it is important that people understand that there is no immediate threat outside of what has already happened spent tonight, "said DeLeo.

Melissa Hutchinson stated that she had helped to treat a man "bleeding profusely" who had rushed to a bar after the incident. She said that three people from the studio arrived and that they were told that there was an active shooter.

"It was a shocking moment, something happened like that," Hutchinson said.

The people who entered were injured, including the bleeding man who was whipped while trying to stop the gunman. They told him that the shooter kept coming in and out of the studio. When he loaded his gun, people started knocking on the studio windows to warn them.

City Commissioner Scott Maddox was on site. He said on Facebook: "In my career in the public service, I've had to deal with bad scenes … it's the worst, please pray."

She Welling said that she was leaving an alcoholic beverage shop in front of the mall and that she had seen at least three people being loaded into ambulances.

"You do not think about that in Tallahassee and you have to do it now," said Welling, 26, who lives in the neighborhood.

The square is home to popular restaurants, a jewelery shop, a framing shop, a hairdresser and other shops.

Erskin Wesson, 64, said he was having dinner with his family at a restaurant located under the yoga studio when they heard the shots above them.

"We just heard" pow, pow, pow, pow, "said Wesson." It looked like a limb falling on a tin roof and rolling. "

The restaurant owner came shortly after, asking if anyone was a doctor, said Wesson. Her daughter-in-law is an emergency nurse and has helped paramedics for about an hour, he said.

The mayor of Tallahassee, Andrew Gillum, who is the Democratic nominee for the governorship, tweeted that he was breaking the campaign to return to Tallahassee. He had previously participated in a campaign event with former President Barack Obama.

"I am deeply grateful to the forces of order for their quick response to the shooting that took place today at the Tallahassee Yoga Center." No act of gun violence is acceptable. closely with law enforcement officials and I will be returning to Tallahassee tonight, "Gillum said tweeted.

Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who defies Democratic Senator Bill Nelson, has called DeLeo and the head of the Florida Law Enforcement Department for details on the shooting.

"I will remain in constant communication with the forces of order.We offered the help of the state," Scott tweeted.

The crime rate and murders of Tallahassee was a problem in the governor's race, with Republican Republican opponent Ron DeSantis, the Republican opponent of Gillum, calling the city the most infested capital of Florida crimes, an inaccurate statement.

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